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Frequent Asked Questions

You can check the application timeline through our homepage.

The Financial Aid Committee has the right to accept your application and pay you either starting from the beginning of the intended semester, or from the issuance date of the committee decision, based on the availability of resources. Furthermore, it should be noted that the financial aid application submitted is only related to the semester you applied on it; you can’t apply for financial aid related to previous or coming semesters.

On our Contact page, you will find our phone numbers, e-mail address, and office location.

Complete the Free Online Application for Financial Aid and upload the documents within the timeline.

Once you apply and upload all required documents, you can check your application status in Banner.

You may be billed for a portion or all of your fees if you drop course/courses. If you are considering dropping a course, it is important to discuss it with Student Financial Services Counselor first.

Yes, as E-mail is the official medium for communication at Qatar University, students have to follow section instructions sent via E-mail.

You have to check with Student Financial Services Section in case the financial aid is suspended in order to know more details about the reason.

Renew the financial aid application is based on the decision of the Financial Aid Committee. Students will be contacted through QU email to renew their applications.

The financial aid application will be suspended.

No, receipt means only that the concerned committee will review the student circumstances to decide whether he/she is eligible for the financial aid or not.

No, the semesters in which the student excuses, discontinues, or withdraws are not calculated within the utmost period set for the financial aid. The financial aid shall be stopped from the beginning of that month of withdrawal or discontinuity. However, it is not the same for foundation level student because he/she will only get it for one academic year (two terms) even if the student couldn’t register for one of the two terms.

The student is required to inform Student Financial Services Section that he/she has external financial sponsor. In this case, the Section has the right to ask the student to repay all amounts received by him/her after being sponsored according to QU procedures. 

Yes. You must be admitted and enrolled at the university.

Yes. If you are receiving any kind of financial aid from other sources, you must report that to Student Financial Services Section.

You will remain ineligible for financial aid until you meet the minimum GPA requirement.

You should consider the parent you lived with or the guardian who is stated in the court (verdict).

Yes, the student has the right to appeal the financial Aid Committee decision if he/she feel there are some extenuating circumstances that require revision. The appeal process performed through completing certain procedures shown here.

The university, through the competent section, has the right to recover the financial aid disbursed to the student.

The Educational Loan Provided by Nama Center

No, this is considered as “Qard Hasan” that has no interest.

Nama pay the student fees directly to Qatar University every semester, then the student and his/her father payback the same amount to Nama based on agreed upon payment plan.

The amount of the educational loan decided based on the student’s study plan and the fee invoices sent by Qatar University to Nama every semester.

The payment performed with monthly cheques issued by the student’s father after the first payment made by Nama to Qatar University on behave of the student.

No, currently Nama is only applying the payment of an equal amount of money, while the working concept is under review at Nama.