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    SESRI’s research team primarily employs computer-assisted personal interviewing techniques. The institute houses state-of-the-art call centers through which investigators conduct telephone interviews with respondents.

    SESRI’s Policy unit complement’s the research efforts by synthesizing, probing more deeply, and analyzing from a different perspective the Institute’s expansive inventory of survey data. All projects and results can be found below.

    Briefs & Reports

    Policy report: Social Attitudes, Behavior, and Consequences surrounding COVID-19 in Qatar          AR | EN

    Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Lari, N., Al-Emadi, N. (2021). Measuring Parental Involvement in Dual-Earner Qatari Families. Journal of Child and Family Studies.

    Lari, N. (2021), "Predictors of job performance in Qatar labor market: a micro-level model", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 48 No. 12, pp. 1852-1869.
    El-Kassem, R. C., Lari , N., Al-Thani, M.F., Al-Khelaifi, B. (2021). A Path Analytic Investigation of Teleworking Challenges During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Qatar. Academia Letters, Article 2616.
    Khaled, S. M., Petcu, C., Bader, L., Amro, I., Al-Hamadi, A. M. H. A., Al Assi, M., Ali, A. A. M., et al. (2021). Prevalence and Potential Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Resistance in Qatar: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey of Qatari Nationals and Migrants between December 2020 and January 2021. Vaccines9(5), 471. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
    El-Kassem, R.C., Lari, N., Al-Khelaifi, B. A. and Al-Thani, M. F., (June 2021), A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Understanding the Causes of  Psychological Distress during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Qatar. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education. Vol. 12, Issue. 13, pp: 557-570. 
    Lari, N. (2021). Fertility Transitions in Qatar: The Dynamics between Women’s Socioeconomic Status and Fertility. Int J Cur Res Rev| Vol, 13(09), 46.
    Ewers, M. C., Gengler, J., & Shockley, B. (2021). Bargaining Power: A Framework for Understanding Varieties of Migration Experience. International Migration Review
    Mandikiana, B. W. (2021). Choice and expenditure: A double hurdle model of private tutoring in qatar. Economic Analysis and Policy, 71, 1-15. doi:10.1016/j.eap.2021.04.001
    Justin Gengler (2020) Society and State in Post-Blockade Qatar: Lessons for the Arab Gulf Region, Journal of Arabian Studies, 10:2, 238-255, DOI: 10.1080/21534764.2020.1828023
    Khaled, S. M., Petcu, C., Al-Thani, M. A., Al-Hamadi, A. M., Daher-Nashif, S., Zolezzi, M., & Woodruff, P. (2021). Prevalence and associated factors of DSM-5 insomnia disorder in the general population of Qatar. BMC Psychiatry, 21 (84).
    Gengler, Justin J.Bethany Shockley; and Michael C. Ewers, “Refinancing the Rentier State: Welfare, Inequality, and Citizen Preferences toward Fiscal Reform in the Gulf Oil MonarchiesComparative Politics (2020)

    Executive Summary

    Oman Fertility Report   AR | EN

    Briefs & Reports

     Attitudes towards Female Labor Force Participation in Qatar


    AR | EN

    Fertility Transitions: Implications for Future Demographic Trends in the State of Qatar   AR | EN
    Central Municipality Council Elections in Qatar: Public Engagement, Knowledge and Perceptions   AR EN
    الجمعيات والتبرعات الخيرية   AR
    Socio-economic and Environmental Aspects of Fish Consumption in Qatar    AR | EN
    Fish Processing Policies and Development of Fisheries in the State of Qatar   AR | EN
    Fish Processing Policies and Development of Fisheries in the State of Qatar Snapshot AR | EN

    Parental Involvement in Education: Findings and implications from Qatar Education Survey 2018

    AR | EN

    Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Al-Moslih, Ayad & Howaidi, Abdul & Tlayib, Shafa & Carr, Alison & Nilsson, Helene & Elawad, Elmogiera. (2021). Evaluating preparedness of emergency trainees to triage victims of mass casualty incidents. Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care. 2020.

    DOI: 10.5339/jemtac.2020.qhc.3

    Shockley, B., Lari, N., Al Ansari, M. & Almagrabi, E. (2020). Social Media Usage and Support for Women in Community Leadership: Evidence from Qatar. Women’s Studies International Forum. (81),102374.

    Lari, N. A. (2020). The Impact of Work-Family Conflict on Job Satisfaction: A Qatari Perspective. In Lansford, J.E., Badahdah, A.M., & Ben Brik, A. (Eds.). Families and Social Change in the Gulf Region (1st ed.). Routledge.

    Diop A., Mustafa S.A, Al Ansari M.H., and Le T. K: “Social Capital and Sense of Neighbourhood Belonging among Qatari Nationals”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, July 2020.

    Ewers M.C., Diop A., Le T. K., and Bader L.: “Migrant Worker Well-Being and Its Determinants: The Case of Qatar”, Social Indicators Research, July 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-020-02427-3  

    Diop, A., Al Ansari, M. H., Al Ali Mustafa, S., & Kien, L. (2020). Social capital and sense of neighbourhood belonging among Qatari nationals. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 1-14.  

    Diop, A., Al‐Ali Mustafa, S., Ewers, M. and Le, T.K. (2020), Welfare Index of Migrant Workers in the Gulf: the Case of Qatar. Int Migr. 

    Sana Abusin; Noor Al-Emadi; Engi Magharaby (2020) Determinants of fish consumption in the state of Qatar: post blockade. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 16(11), pp. 1496-1502. ISSN: 1991-637X.
    DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2020.15143.

    Macro Johann Sebastian Bejarano, Thiago Sabatinelli Rodrigues, Columba Marcelli Sánchez, Kaltham Al-Ghanim, Mohammad Al-Saidi. 2020. Promoting sustainable businesses for strong local communities: Qatar’s wild herbal plants industry, Energy Reports 6(8): 80-86 ISSN 2352-4847,

    Al-Ghanim KA.2020. Consanguineous marriage in the Arab societies. J Psychol Clin Psychiatry,11(6):166‒168. DOI: 10.15406/jpcpy.2020.11.00692 

    Ibrahim MA, Al-Ghanim KA, Eltohami AA, et al. 2020. Consanguinity and psychiatric disorders: Qatar case study. J Psychol Clin Psychiatry. ,11(6):153‒158. DOI: 10.15406/jpcpy.2020.11.00690

    Al-Ghanim, K. (2020). Why do we need to integrate the Indigenous culture to achieve Holistic Sustainability? , Archives of Agriculture Research and Technology (AART), 1(3):1012.

    AL-GHANIM, Kaltham; WATSON, Janet C.E.(2020). Language and Nature in Southern and Eastern Arabia. European Journal of Social Sciences, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 8-14, ISSN 2601-8640.

    El-Kassem, R.C., 2020, A Structural Equation Model of Perceived University Image In Qatar: Student Perspective. International Journal of Management (IJM).Volume:11,Issue:8,Pages:721-730 

    El-Kassem, R.C., Al-Kubaisi, A. S., Al-Naimi M., Al-Hamadi A. & Al-Rakeb, N. (June 2020), Path Analytic Investigation of the Intention to Adopt E-government Services through Mobile Applications in Qatar (TAM Revisited), International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), 11(06), 2020, pp. 127-142. 

    Abusin, S. A., & Mandikiana, B. W. (2020). Towards sustainable food production systems in Qatar: Assessment of the viability of aquaponics. Global Food Security, 25, 100349.

    Abusin, S., Lari, N., Khaled, S., & Al Emadi, N. (2020). Effective policies to mitigate food waste in Qatar. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 15(3), 343-350.


    Gengler, J. (2020). Sectarianism from the Top Down or Bottom Up? Explaining the Middle East’s Unlikely De-sectarianization after the Arab Spring. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 18(1), 109-113. doi: 10.1080/15570274.2020.1729526

    El-Kassem, R. C. (May 2020), Factors Influencing Reading News on the Mobile Devices in Qatar in Light of Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR), International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), 11(5), 2020, pp. 74



    Executive Summary

    Omnibus Binder 2019 EN
    Qatar Fertility Report   AR | EN
    Guest Workers' Welfare Index   AR | EN

    Briefs &


    onal Identity Project 2019 A | EN
    انتخابات المجلس البلدي المركزي 2019 و 2015 في دولة قطر: المعرفة العامة، والتوجهات، والمشاركة   AR
    مشروع خيام رمضانية صديقة للبيئة   AR
    Blockade on Business    AR | EN 

    Peer Reviewed Publications

    Benmansour, N. A., Lari, N. A., & Shockley, B. (2019). Exploring Local Governance and E-Services in Qatar. International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA), 6(4), 1-13.

    Lari, N. A. (2019). Qatari Female Managers in a World of Patriarchy. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(5), 215-225. DOI: 10.18510/hssr.2019.7527

    Diop A., Mustafa S.A, Ewers, M.C., and Le T. K.: “Welfare Index of Migrant Workers in the Gulf: the Case of Qatar”, International Migration, November 2019, DOI: 10.1111/imig.12667

    Le T. Kien, Stacy Pancratz, and Abdoulaye Diop: “Labor Camp Surveys in GCC Countries: Group Quarter Subsampling”, Field Methods, January 2019, vol. 31(1) 76-91.

    Tawfeq Ben –Omran, Al-Ghanim, K. and others (2019) Effects of Consanguinity in a Cohort of Subjects with Certain Genetic Disorders in Qatar, Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, Wiley. DOI:10.1002/mgg3.1051.  Impact factor: 2.448. Online ISSN: 2324-9269 © Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 

    Al-Ghanim, K. (2019) Perceptions of Women’s Roles between Traditionalism and Modernity in Qatar, Journal of Arabian Studies , 9:1, 52-74, Pages 52-74 DOI:. ISSN: 2153-4764 (Print) 2153-4780 

    Gengler, J. (2019). The Meaning of Public Opinion Research in the Arab World. APSA MENA Politics Newsletter, 2(2), 9-13. 

    Gengler, J. (2019). Concern over Finances, Not Iran, Will End Qatar Crisis. Al-Monitor. 3 Dec. 

    El-Kassem, R.C, Sellami, A. & Al Qassass, H. (November 2019), “ Determinants of Parental Child’s School Preferences in Qatar. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews , Vol. 7. pp. 309-319. DOI

    El-Kassem, R.C(2019) “ Servant Leadership and Perceived Challenges in STEM Classes: The Reinforcing Role of Problems and Management Techniques. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews , Vol. 7. pp. 423-432.

    Qutteina Y, Nasrallah C, Kimmel LG, Khaled SM. Relationship between social media use and disordered eating behavior among female university students in Qatar. Journal of Health and Social Sciences. January 2019. DOI: 10.19204/2019/rltn7

    Khaled SM. Prevalence and potential determinants of subthreshold and major depression in the general population of Qatar. Journal of Affective Disorders, 252 (2019) 382-393.DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2019.04.056

    Khaled SM, Wilkins S, Woodruff P. Lifetime Prevalence and Potential Determinants of Psychotic Experiences in the General Population of Qatar. Psychological Medicine. April 9, 2019. https://

    Khaled SM, Gray R. Depression in migrant workers and nationals of Qatar: An exploratory cross-cultural study. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. May 26, 2019.

    El-Kassem, R.C ( 2019) “ Antecedents and Consequences of Work-Family Conflict in Qatar.” The Journal of Social Sciences Research , Academic Research Publishing Group, Vol. 5. Issue.6, pp. 1010-1019.


    Briefs & Reports

    Student Motivation 2018 EN
    Satisfaction 2018 AR | EN
    Private Tutoring 2018 AR | EN
    Curriculum and Textbook 2018 AR | EN
    School Facilities Report   AR | EN 
    Compiled Education Report EN

    Peer Reviewed Publications

    Le T. Kien, Martha McRoy, and Abdoulaye Diop: “Randomization in Surveys with the Halton Sequence”, Survey Research Methods 2018, Vol. 12 N0. 3 pp. 247-257, doi:10.18148/srm/2018.v12i3.7283

    Laurent A. Lambert, Jordan Lee, Nudging greywater acceptability in a Muslim country: Comparisons of different greywater reuse framings in Qatar, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 89, 2018

    Al-Emadi A., Theodorakis N.D., Pastore D., Sellami A., and Diop A., “Attitudes Toward the Coaching Profession: Evidence from a Nation-Wide Study in Qatar”, International Sport Coaching Journal 2018, vol.5 (1) 37-46, DOI:

    Diop A., Al-Emadi A., Kaplanidou K., Diop A., Sagas M., Elmaghraby E., Qutteina Y., “Examining the cross-cultural attitudes of Qataris and Expatriates in Qatar, the host country of the 2022 World Cup, International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 2018,  9(3) DOI: 10.1108/IJEFM-09-2017-0058

    Diop A., Johnston T., and Le T. K. “Migration Policies across the GCC: Challenges in Reforming the Kafāla” in the volume: Migration to the Gulf: Policies in Sending and Receiving Countries edited by Philippe Fargues and Nasra M. Shah, Gulf Research Centre, Cambridge 2018.

    Al-Ali Mustafa, S., Sellami, A., Elmaghraby, E. A., & Al-Qassass, H. B. (2018). Determinants of College and University Choice for High-School Students in Qatar. International Journal of Higher Education, 7(3), 1. 

    Lambert L.A., (2018). Book Review – Oil for Food: The Global Food Crisis and the Middle East, by Eckart Woertz. Oxford University Press. Review of Middle East Studies (ROMES), Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52: 2, pp. 435-437.
    El-Kassem, R.C., Sellami, A. & Elawad, E.F.E.( 13 November 2018), “Antecedents and consequences of perceived student employability in Qatar: parental perspective”. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Volume 15 PP: 1–15
    El-Kassem, R. C. (2018). “Work-Life-Balance in Qatar: Implementing TOWS Analysis as a Variant of the Classic Strategic Tool, SWOT.” Journal of WEI Business and Economics (JWEIBE).
    Alimukhamedov, F., Lambert, L.A. Bin Hashim, H., 2018. Ethical Commitment and Raison D’Etat in Rentier States: Asylum-Seeker Policies in the Gulf Cooperation Council and Central Asian Republics During the Refugee Crisis, Alternatif Politika, 10: 3, pp. 406-426.
    Salma M. Khaled ,Bethany Shockley ,Yara Qutteina ,Linda Kimmel , Kien T. Le. Testing Western Media Icons Influence on Arab Women’s Body Size and Shape Ideals: An Experimental Approach. Social Sciences. 2018; 7(9): 142
    Maryam A. Al-Thani, Salma M. Khaled. “Toxic pleasures”: A study of eating out behavior in Arab female university students and its associations with psychological distress and disordered eating, Eating Behaviors, Volume 31, 2018, Pages 125-130
    Franziska V. I. Saller & Salma M. Khaled. Potential psychosocial influences on gender differences in physical activity among Qatari adolescents: a first insight through descriptive observation. International Journal of Adolescent and Youth. October 3, 2018. Pages 1-18.
    Laurent A. Lambert and Hisham Bin Hashim. 2017. “A Century of Saudi-Qatari Food Insecurity: Paradigmatic Shifts in the Geopolitics, Economics and Sustainability of Gulf States Animal Agriculture”. The Arab World Geographer
    Salma M. Khaled, Linda Kimmel, and Kien Le Trung. 2018. “Assessing the factor structure andmeasurement invariance of the eatingattitude test (EAT-26) across languageand BMI in young Arab women”. Journal of Eating Disorders.
    Laurent A. Lambert et Luc Descroix. 2018. “CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES ET ESSOR DJIHADISTE AU SAHEL: UNE APPROCHE CRITIQUE POUR DES SOLUTIONS PLUS ADAPTÉES”. Conseil québécois d'études géopolitiques.
    Descroix L, Guichard F, Grippa M, Lambert LA, Panthou G, et al. Evolution of Surface Hydrology in the Sahelo-Sudanian Strip: An Updated Review. Water. 2018; 10(6):748.
    Lambert, L.A. and Lee, J., 2018. Nudging Greywater Acceptability in a Muslim Country: Comparisons of different greywater reuse framings in Qatar. Environmental Science & Policy, 89, pp. 93-99.

    Executive Summary

    Qatar Against The Blockade - قطر في مواجهة الحصار   AR
     | EN
    From the "Fareej" to Metropolis:
    Qatar Social Capital Survey II
       AR | E

    Briefs & Reports

    Policy Brief 12: Greywater for Qatar’s Water & Food Security   AR | EN
    Policy Brief 11: Public awareness and perceptions of taxation in a changing Gulf economy    EN
    Policy Brief 10: Needs, Preferences, and Recommendations of Charity Executives and Experts   AR EN
    Policy Brief 8: Education in Qatar: the complex reality of citizen satisfaction   AR EN
    Policy Brief 9: Public Spending Priorities in Qatar   AR N

    Peer Reviewed Publications

    Al-Ghanim, K., Gardner, A., El-Menshawy A. (2017) The Relation Between Spaces and Cultural change: Supermalls and Cultural Change in Qatari Society, Scientific Culture, 3(2).21-32. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.438184 . 

    Al-Ghanim, K.(2017) Transitional society and participation of women in the public sphere: A survey of Qatar society, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research,3(2). 51-63. ISSN: 2455-2070   

    Al-Ghanim, K.A. & Badahdah, A.M, (2017). Gender Roles in the Arab World: Development and Psychometric Properties of the Arab Adolescents Gender Roles Attitude Scale, Sex Role: A Journal of Research, Springer, Vol: 77, Issue 3–4, pp 169–177. ISSN: 0360-0025 (Print) .  2.724 (2019)Five year impact factor doi:10.1007/s11199-016-0722-y 

    Laurent A. Lambert and Hisham Bin Hashim. 2017. “A Century of Saudi-Qatari Food Insecurity: Paradigmatic Shifts in the Geopolitics, Economics and Sustainability of Gulf States Animal Agriculture”. The Arab World Geographer
    Ewers, M.C., R. Dicce, J.P.H. Poon, Y.W. Chow & J. Gengler (2017). Creating and Sustaining Islamic Financial Centers: Bahrain in the Wake of Financial and Political Crises. Urban Geography. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/02723638.2016.1268436
    Poon, J.P.H., J. Pollard, Y.W. Chow, and M. Ewers (2017). The rise of Kuala Lumpur as an Islamic financial frontier. Regional Studies. Volume 51, Issue 10, pages 1443-1453. doi:10.1080/00343404.2016.1214254
    Murphy, T., C. Brannstrom, M. Fry, and M. Ewers (2017). Economic development stakeholder perspectives on boomtown dynamics in the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas. Geographical Review. Advance online publication. doi:10.1111/gere.12226
    Diop, A., K.T. Le, and M.C. Ewers, (2017). Working and Living Conditions of Migrant Workers in the GCC. In S. Irudaya Rajan (Ed.), India Migration Report 2016: Gulf Migration (pp. 75-89). New York: Routledge.
    Ewers, M.C. & Dicce, R. (2017). Expatriate mobility, firm recruitment and local context: Skilled international migration to the rapidly globalizing city of Dubai. In M. van Riemsdijk and Q. Wang (Eds.) Rethinking International Skilled Migration (pp. 194-208). New York: Routledge.
    Diop, A., K. Le, T. Johnston & M. Ewers. (2017). Citizens’ attitudes towards migrant workers in Qatar. Migration and Development, 6:1, 144-160.
    Ewers, M.C. (2017). International knowledge mobility and urban development in rapidly globalizing areas: Building global hubs for talent in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Urban Geography. 38:2, 291-314.
    El-Kassem, R.C.(2017) Determinants of Banks’ Profitability: Panel Data from Qatar. Open Journal of Accounting , 6, 103-111. 
    Diop, Abdoulaye, Johnston T., and Le T. K.: Donating Time or Money? “The Effects of Religiosity and Social Capital on Civic Engagement in Qatar”, .
    Diop, Abdoulaye, Yaojun Li, Majed Mohammed H. A. Al-Ansari, and Kien T. Le: “Social Capital and Citizens’ Attitudes towards Migrant Workers”, 
    Nakkash, R., Qutteina, Y., Nasrallah, C., Wright, K., El-Alti, L., Makhoul, J., & Alali, K. The Practice of Research Ethics in Lebanon and Qatar: Perspectives of Researchers on Informed Consent. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 2017; doi:10.1177/1556264617730643
    James-Hawkins, L., Qutteina, Y., & Yount, K.M. The Patriarchal Bargain in a Context of Rapid Changes to Normative Gender Roles: Young Arab Women's Role Conflict in Qatar. Sex Roles, 2016; doi:10.1007/s11199-016-0708-9.
    Sellami, Abdellatif, El-Kassem, Rima, Alqassass, Haneen, ” Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education(EJMSTE), 13(9): 6045-6067
    Sellami, Abdellatif, Kimmel, Linda, Wittrock, Jill, Hunscher, Bryan, Cotter, Anna, Al-Emadi, Ahmed, & Al-Emadi, Darwish. 2017. “Factors Shaping Qatari Students’ Career Expectations in STEM, Business, or Public Sectors Fields.” Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (EJMSTE), 13(10): 6491–6505.
    Lambert L.A., Hassan H., 2017, MOOCs and International Capacity Building in a UN Framework: Potential and Challenges. In: Leal Filho W., Mifsud M., Pace P. (eds) Handbook of Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development. World Sustainability Series. Springer.

    Executive Summary

    Qatar Education Study 2015 – The Curriculum Report   AR & EN
    Qatar Semi-Annual Survey (QSAS) Doha News: 26/4/2016
    Doha News: 27/11/2015
    Doha News: 31/10/2015
    Students' Motivation and Parental Participation Report   AR & EN
    Qatar Education Study 2015: School Facilities Report   AR 

    Briefs & Reports

    Policy Brief 7Shadow Education: Private Tutoring and Education Reform   AR |EN
    Policy Snapshot 3: Subsidy Reduction and Trends among Lower Income Qatari Households   
    Policy Brief 6: Views of the Gulf Cooperation Council among Qatari and other Gulf Nationals   AR |EN
    Policy Snapshot 2: Climate Change and Temperature Warming in Qatar   
    Policy Brief 3: Housing Tenure and Economic Inequality among Qatari Citizens   AR |EN
    Policy Brief 1: Citizen and Resident Satisfaction with Public Services in Qatar   AR |EN
    Policy Brief 4: Public Acceptance of Taxation in Qatar   AR |EN
    Policy Snapshot 3: Subsidy Reduction and Relative Poverty Among Qatari Households   
    Policy Brief 2: Worker Welfare Index   AR |EN
    Policy Brief 5: Perceptions and Impacts of the Oil Crash in Qatar   AR |EN

    Peer Reviewed Publications

    Al-Emadi A, Kaplanidou K, Diop A, Sagas M, Le KT, Al-Ali Mustafa S. 2022 Qatar World Cup: Impact Perceptions among Qatar Residents. Journal of Travel Research. 2017;56(5):678-694. 

    Abdelkader, Nada. 2017. "Patterns, Trends and Issues in Qatar’s Higher Education Sector.” Gulf Affairs, Spring 2017
    Khaled, Salma M, Shockley, Bethany, Abdul Rahim, Hanan F. 2016. “The effects of citizenship status on service utilization and general satisfaction with healthcare: a cross-cultural study” International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2016, 1–8 
    Al Emadi, Ahmed, Kyriaki Kaplanidou, Abdoulaye Diop, Michael Sagas, Kien T. Le, and Semsia Al-Ali Mustafa. Forthcoming 2016. “2022 Qatar World Cup: Impact Perceptions among Qatar Residents.” Journal of Travel Research.
    Diop, Abdoulaye, Ashley E. Jardina, Mark Tessler, and Jill Wittrock. Forthcoming 2016. “Antecedents of Trust among Citizens and Non-citizens in Qatar.” Journal of International Migration and Integration.
    Ewers, Michael C. and Ryan Dicce. Forthcoming 2016. “Expatriate labor markets in rapidly globalizing cities: reproducing the migrant division of labor in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
    Gengler, Justin and Jocelyn S. Mitchell. Forthcoming 2016. “A Hard Test of Individual Heterogeneity in Response Scale Usage: Evidence from Qatar.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research.
    Seah, Kiat Ying, Eric Fesselmeyer, and Kien T. Le. Forthcoming 2016. “Estimating and decomposing changes in the White–Black homeownership gap from 2005 to 2011.” Urban Studies. doi: 10.1177/0042098015619870
    Abdelkader, Nada. 2016. “Public-Private Partnership in Tunisia: Enfidha Airport Assessment of an Infrastructure Achievement.” International Journal of Public Administration 39(7): 552–562
    Badahdah, Abdallah and Kien T. Le. 2016. “Parenting Young Arab Children: Psychometric Properties of an Adapted Arabic Brief Version of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire.” Child Psychiatry & Human Development 47(3): 486–493.
    Elawad, Elmogiera, Abdoulaye Diop, Mohamed Agied, and Isam Abdelhameed. 2016. “Giving two answers to the same question: applying survey re-interview techniques.” African Journal of Science and Research 5(2): 35–37
    Elawad, Elmogiera, Mohamed Agied, and John Lee Holmes. 2016. “Why do people participate in surveys in Qatar?” Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 4(2): 125–131
    Gengler, Justin and Laurent A. Lambert. 2016. “Renegotiating the Ruling Bargain: Selling Fiscal Reform in the GCC.” Middle East Journal 70(2): 321–329.
    Kaplanidou, Kyriaki, Ahmed Al Emadi, Abdoulaye Diop, and Gerald Fritz. 2016. “Business legacy planning for mega events: The case of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.” Journal of Business Research69(10): 4103–4111.
    Shockley, Bethany. 2016. “Women and Political Interest in Qatar: Moving Ahead but Not Catching Up.” Journal of Arabian Studies 6(1): 53–73

    Executive Summary

    Qatar Education Study 2012 (Students’ Motivation & Parental Participation)   
    Omnibus 2012   
    Social Capital Survey Doha News: 27/06/2012   

    Peer Reviewed Publications



    Executive Summary

    Omnibus 2011