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With over 100 students joining the consortium annually, a database is built to enhance the national capacities of life sciences and health professionals, which reduces turnover. This helps in altering the social prospect regarding life sciences or health care careers such as; lab technologists, nursing, nutritionist, physical therapists, pharmacists, health educators, etc., signifying their importance to society and the rewards they give to the individual.

The students are equipped with in-depth learning about the educational outcomes of health care majors. We build a concrete database to capitalize on, which directly increases university enrollments in life sciences & health care majors with a rate of 11% annually and directly enhances the job entry rate of health care professionals & research scientists with a comparable range. These beneficiaries are least likely to change their career after they have gone through a structured sequence of competency challenges and filtering. Other means of support are provided through the project such as assistantship in university admissions, scholarships, and job placement.

Target Group

The first line of beneficiaries of the consortium are high school students grades 10, 11 & 12 who may or not have interest in pursuing a career in life sciences or health care. Subsequently, health care and research sectors get directly impacted from the all-encompassing deliverables and outcomes of the consortium.