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Dear class of 2020, please note that your graduation ceremony photos are under;
process. When they are ready, we will announce where to receive them.

 Content Editor ‭[1]‬

Ceremony Details

​Graduation Ceremony

The Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony will take place at QU’s Sports and Events Complex, in accordance with the ceremony dates and timings posted on the Ceremony Dates Webpage.

Graduation Ceremony Instructions

All graduates are advised to observe the following instructions:

Time of Attendance

  • Attendance for female graduates and distinguished graduates starts at 8:00 am, and the gates will close at 9:00 am.
  • Female graduates attend morning college ceremonies at 8:30 am, and gates will close at 9:30 am. and evening college ceremonies at 3:30 pm, and gates will close at 4:30 pm.
  • The main gate of the hall is designated for graduates to enter the registration area in the graduation ceremony hall.
  • The distinguished female graduates must attend the ceremony of the distinguished students as well as the college ceremonies.

Precautionary Instructions

  • Show the mobile application (Ehteraz)
  • All graduates are required to take the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) for Covid-19 in the QU campus one day before their designated ceremony
  • Check your temperature before entering the hall.
  • Wear a mask
  • Sanitize hands
  • Avoid all touch greetings
  • Avoid gatherings
  • Maintain a distance of 1.5 meters away from others.
  • Don’t share personal belongings with others
  • Adhere to organizers’ instructions to ensure safety for all.
  • Avoid crowding at entry or exit gates before and after the end of the ceremony.
  • Avoid contact with a person who has been infected with Covid-19 before the ceremony.
  • Do not come to the ceremony if you are suffering from influenza symptoms, coughing, and high temperature. 

Registration Instructions

  • Upon arrival, please proceed to the designated areas for registration and show your University ID card or Qatari ID card.
  • A special registration desk will be devoted graduates with special needs.
  • Graduates of the Academic Excellence Program must proceed to the table designated for them to receive the scarf.
  • After completing the registration process, a text message will be sent to the graduates designating their seats in the hall.
  • Registration is necessary to display the graduate's name on the screen in the concert hall.
  • Graduates are to proceed to their designated seats upon entering the ceremony hall.

Ceremony Uniform

  • Male graduates must wear the Qatari Bisht (black color).
  • Women graduates must adhere to wearing the graduation uniform, and wear a modest dress underneath the uniform, taking into account Qatar’s prevailing customs and traditions.
  • Graduates must remain wearing the graduation uniform throughout the ceremony. For more information, please visit the graduation uniform page. 

General instructions

  • Class of 2020 graduation ceremony will be held at the Sports and Events Complex at QU on the designated times and dates.
  • Photography during the ceremony is not allowed. Picturing will be taken by QU’s photographers only.
  • Do not come close the podium.
  • A medical team will be present for emergencies.
  • For assistance, please ask the volunteers.
  • The ceremony will be limited to graduates only, and parents can follow the graduation ceremony remotely through the university's virtual platforms.
  • After heading to the seating area inside the hall, leaving the hall will be limited to emergency cases.
  • Organizers will direct the graduates to walk up to the podium.
  • Elevators are available in the concert hall.

Graduation Program:

The program includes the following:

  • Emiri National Anthem
  • Group picture
  • Recitation from the Holy Quran
  • A documentary film about the University
  • The President’s speech / Guest’s speech
  • Graduates’ speech
  • Distribution of graduation certificates
  • End of the ceremony.


  • Get a full night's sleep before the ceremony.
  • Dress comfortably. Wear comfortable shoes that help you walk steadily for a long distance in the hall. (Avoid wearing high heels ).
  • To maintain your full energy, please have a light meal before the ceremony.

Seating Arrangement

Seats will be arranged according to the colleges' seniority, the academic degree, and the GPA. Graduates will be invited to the podium in this order; as for the college ceremonies, the seating of the graduates will be according to the academic degree, and then according to the GPA of the graduate.

Invitation cards

Electronic invitation cards will be sent to all graduates via the University e-mail, and please show the University or ID card when entering the ceremony. We confirm here that the graduation ceremony for this year will be limited to graduates only. Parents or guests cannot be invited for your safety.


Male Graduates Ceremony & Colleges’ Ceremonies

Qatar University - Communications and Public Relations Department will provide photography services to the graduates when they ascend the podium. For Colleges’ Ceremonies, taking pictures for female graduates is subject to their request and consent. The respective department will hand over the photos to the deans’ offices in due course after the ceremony. Graduates are kindly requested to refer to their colleges (Dean’s office) to inquire where to receive their graduation photos after the graduation ceremony.

Distinguished Female Graduates

Receiving the photos of the “Distinguished Female Graduates” is not possible as photographing is exclusively carried out by the photographers of the Amiri Diwan.

Life Streaming of Graduation Ceremony

The recording and life streaming of the Graduation Ceremony can be watched through QU platforms using the links below:

Simultaneous Interpretation

For simultaneous interpretation from Arabic to English, please follow the below steps:


  • Important note: Please bring your own headsets.

Not Attending the Graduation Ceremony (Absence )

In case a graduate is unable to attend the graduation ceremony, it is not permissible to anyone else to attend and walk up to the stage on his/her behalf to receive his/her gift during the ceremony.

The absent graduate can go to the Business Support Office at the Student Affairs Business Services, to receive the graduation gift within a maximum of 6 months from the date of his/her graduation ceremony provided that it’s is necessary to present the Qatari ID Card.
If another person is authorized to receive the gift on behalf of the absent graduate, then, it is necessary that the authorized person presents a copy of the graduate's ID card as well as his/her ID card and the authorization letter.

Where to Receive:

Time and Date of Receiving:

  • Sunday to Thursday, 9am - 12pm.

For more information and enquiries, please contact: