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 Content Editor ‭[3]‬

 Content Editor ‭[2]‬

Dear class of 2020, please note that your graduation ceremony photos are under;
process. When they are ready, we will announce where to receive them.

 Content Editor ‭[1]‬

RAT Schedule

The validity of the COVID-19 test is 48 hours. Female graduates who will attend more than one ceremony must re-test if the time between the test and one of the two ceremonies exceed 48 hours. If the college ceremony is happening 48 hours after the test, the graduate must repeat the COVID-19 test. The first test should be one day before the distinguished ceremony and the second test should be one day before the college ceremony.

Monday31 MayFirst period 08:00- 01:00 PM
Second period  04:00- 08:00 PM

Women Medical Clinic (C06)

Female graduates and volunteers (employees)

Tuesday1 JuneFirst period 08:00- 01:00 PM
Second period  04:00- 08:00 PM

Women Medical Clinic (C06)

Female graduates and volunteers (employees)
Wednesday2 JuneFirst period 08:00- 01:00 PM
Second period  04:00- 08:00 PM

Women Medical Clinic (C06)

Female graduates and volunteers (employees)
Thursday3 JuneFirst period 08:00- 01:00 PM
Second period  04:00- 08:00 PM

Women Medical Clinic (C06)

Female graduates and volunteers (employees)
Friday4 June04:00- 08:00 PM

Women Medical Clinic (C06)

Female graduates and volunteers (employees)