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Dear class of 2020, please note that your graduation ceremony photos are under;
process. When they are ready, we will announce where to receive them.

 Content Editor ‭[1]‬

Dates and Location

​Ceremony Dates:

Graduation CeremonyDayDateTimeLocation
Graduation Ceremony – Male Students Sunday30-May-2110:00 AM

Sport and Events Complex - Qatar University (A07)

Distinguished Undergraduate and Graduate - Female StudentsMonday31-May-2110:00 AM

Sport and Events Complex - Qatar University (A07)

All graduates and distinguished female graduates are required to attend the ceremony starting at 8:00 am. Gates will be closed at 9:030 am, and entry will not be allowed after this time, for security measures.

College Ceremony Dates:

Graduation Ceremonies – Female StudentsDayDateTimeLocation

College of Business and Economics - First Group

Monday31-May-215:00 PM

Sport and Events Complex - Qatar University (A07)

College of Business and Economics - Second Group

Tuesday01-Jun-2110:00 AM

College of Education 

Tuesday01-Jun-2105:00 PM
College of Sharia and Islamic Studies and College of Law Wednesday02-Jun-2110:00 AM

College of Engineering, College of Health Sciences, College of Pharmacy 

Wednesday02-Jun-215:00 PM

College of Arts and Sciences - First Group 

Thursday03-Jun-2110:00 AM
College of Arts and Sciences - Second Group Thursday03-Jun-2105:00 PM

College of Arts and Sciences - Third Group 

Saturday05-Jun-2110:00 AM

Female graduates attend the morning ceremony starting from 8:30 am, as the gates will be closed at 9:30 am, and the evening ceremony starting from 3:30 pm, as the gates will be closed at 4:30 pm, and entry will not be allowed after this time, for precautionary measures and registration.

All graduates are requested to complete the registration process as soon as they enter the hall, as the female graduate's name will not be displayed on the screen unless she registers at the entrance gate.

Show your University or ID card upon entry.

The distinguished female graduates must attend the ceremony of the distinguished graduates and the college ceremony.

Entry gate to the male ceremony

On the day of the ceremony, the males enter through the gates (1-5) 

and use the following parking lots:

  • (A05) Administrative Affairs Building Parking
  • (H10) Research Complex

Entry gate and parking for the distinguished female ceremony:

You can enter the University gates (2- 3) and use the following parking lots:

  • (A05) Administrative Affairs Building Parking
  • (H10) Research Complex