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Undergraduate Student Catalog

Civil Engineering Roadmap Fall 2024

Fall 2024 Study Plan

Fall 2021 Study Plan

2021 Pre-requisite Roadmap

2018 Pre-requisite Roadmap

2011 Pre-requisite Roadmap

   Courses Description


Course No - Course Title - (X, Y, Z)X: Credit hoursY: Lecture contact hours (l hour = 1 credit hour)Z: Lab or tutorial hours (1 or 2 hours = 0 credit hour, 3 hours = 1 credit hour)


CVEN 210   Properties and Testing of Materials (3-2-3)Composition and properties of Portland Cements, special cement, gypsum, lime, and asphaltic materials. Properties and testing of aggregates and concrete. Concrete mix design.  Use of stones, blocks, and bricks.  Ferrous and nonferrous metals.  Wood.  The laboratory component includes tests on Portland cement, sieve analysis and grading of aggregate, specific gravity and absorption of coarse aggregate, Los Angeles abrasion test, slump test, measurement of air content, concrete mix, crushing of concrete cubes, split-tension test, rebound hammer and PUNDIT. [Prerequisite: CHEM 101, CHEM 103]


CVEN 212   Fluid Mechanics (3-3-1)Elementary mechanics of fluids with emphasis on hydrostatics, control volume analysis of flowing fluids using kinematics, continuity, energy, and momentum principals; similitude, pipe flow. [Prerequisite: PHYS 191, PHYS 192, CVEN 213]


CVEN 213   Statics (3-3-1)  General principles of statics, force vectors in two and three dimensions, force system resultants, free body diagrams, equilibrium of a particle, moment of a force about a point and about an axis, equilibrium of a rigid body, introduction to structural analysis, internal forces, shear and bending moment diagrams, introductory truss analysis, friction, the center of gravity and centroid, moments of inertia. [Prerequisite: MATH 102]


CVEN 214   Strength of Materials (3-3-1)Stress, strain, mechanical properties of materials, Hooke’s law, axial load, stress due to temperature, introduction to statically indeterminate members, axial load and axial stress, torsion and torsional stress, pure bending and bending stress, transverse shear and shear stress, combined loadings and stresses, stress transformation, introduction to buckling of columns. [Prerequisite: CVEN 213]


CVEN 220   Analysis of Structures (3-3-1)Type of loads. Stability and determinacy of structures. Analysis of determinate trusses, beams, and frames. Reaction computation. Axial force, shear force, and bending moment diagrams. Deflection calculations by geometric methods and virtual work methods. Influence lines for determinate structures. Arches and cables. Introduction to statically indeterminate structures. [Prerequisite: CVEN 213]


CVEN 230   Geotechnical Engineering (3-3-1)Soil Composition, soil-water system, classification of soil, permeability and seepage, stress distribution in soil, the compressibility of soil, settlement analysis for shallow foundations, shear strength of the soil. The laboratory component includes visual inspection, sieve and hydrometer analyses, Atterberg limits, constant and falling head permeability, compaction, field density, one-dimensional consolidation, direct shear, triaxial, and unconfined compression testing. [Prerequisite: CVEN 213]


CVEN 270   Surveying for Construction (3-2-3)Introduction to Surveying and Geomatics. Measurements and Units. Theory of Errors. Vertical Distance Measurements: Types of Leveling, Differential Leveling procedures, and computations, Profiles, and Cross-Sections. Horizontal Distance Measurement: Taping and Electronic Distance Measurements. Horizontal and Vertical Angle Measurements. Theodolites and Total Station. Traverse Computations and Adjustments. Areas and Volumes Calculations. Mapping & Computer-Aided Survey. Setting out Construction Sites. Introduction to GIS. [Prerequisite: MATH 101]


CVEN 320   Design of Reinforced Concrete Members (3-3-1)Relationship between the architectural plan and the structural system, Reinforced concrete material characteristics, Load determination and distribution, Flexural analysis and design of beams, Flexural analysis and design of one-way slabs, Shear design of beams, Design of short columns subjected to concentric and eccentric loading, Serviceability, bond and development length. [Prerequisites: CVEN 214, CVEN 220]


CVEN 321   Analysis of Indeterminate Structures (3-3-1)Analysis of indeterminate structures by the force method, slope deflection, and moment distribution. Deflection of indeterminate structures. Introduction to matrix analysis of structures: trusses, beams, and frames. [Prerequisite: CVEN 220]


CVEN 330   Foundation Engineering I (3-3-1)Subsurface investigation (planning, boreholes, open and test pits, soil sampling, rock coring, visual inspection, SPT, CPT, vane shear test, plate load test, field permeability test, geophysical test methods, exploration report), soil bearing capacity for shallow foundations, lateral earth pressure, stability of retaining walls, introduction to deep foundations. [Prerequisite: CVEN 214, CVEN 230]


CVEN 340   Analysis and Design of Hydraulic Systems (3-3-1)Applications of fluid mechanics to engineering and natural systems including closed conduits and pipe networks, open channel flow, turbomachinery, and hydrology. [Prerequisite: CVEN 212]


CVEN 350   Environmental Engineering (3-3-1)Introduction to water pollution, air pollution, soil contamination, noise, hazardous and solid waste, and their control. Environmental impact statements and global pollution issues. Introduction to groundwater engineering. Waste-water management and sanitary engineering. [Prerequisite: CHEM 101, CHEM 103, CVEN 212]


CVEN 360   Highway Engineering (3-3-1)Introduction to highway engineering. Functional classification of the highway system. Driver and vehicle characteristics. Traffic characteristics. Grades and sight distance. Design speed. Design specifications for cross-section elements. The geometric design of highways; horizontal and vertical alignment design. Intersection design for at-grade intersections. [Prerequisite: CVEN 270]


CVEN 380   Construction Engineering (3-3-0)Topics covered in this course are an introduction to the construction industry, management processes, time & cost processes, project budgeting, management of construction equipment, the safety of construction sites, legal aspects in construction, and construction claims. Introduction to computer applications in construction engineering. [Prerequisite: CVEN 320]


CVEN 381   Contracts, Specifications, and Local Regulations (3-3-0)Law of contracts; formation principles. Breach of contract obligation. Termination of agreement; pre-qualification. Contract for construction and engineering services. Specifications. Professional liability; insurance and bonds. Water rights. Environmental law. Arbitration of Disputes. Local regulations. [Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CVEN 380]


CVEN 399   Practical Training (3-0-3)Supervised 8 weeks training period at any approved engineering concern (consulting, contracting, industrial, government), intended to provide students with hands-on experience at the workplace. Evaluation is based on daily performance, supervisors’ input, student reports, and short presentations. [Prerequisite: Departmental approval]


CVEN 401   Civil Engineering Design Project I (2 credit hours)Understanding a design problem and the overall context. Defining the general requirements. Identifying the specific project objectives and deliverables. Preparing an effective project schedule and developing the project tasks. Exploring different options for design and conducting preliminary information gathering/data collection/analyses on these options. Defining clear evaluation criteria and evaluating the different options accordingly. Deciding on the best design option based on the evaluations. A final report and a group presentation are required. [Prerequisite: 100 credit hours or departmental approval]


CVEN 402   Civil Engineering Design Project II (3 credit hours)Performing detailed analyses on the design option chosen. Undertaking the detailed design process. Incorporating and evaluating multiple realistic constraints; i.e., ethical, economic, environmental, and safety constraints. Effective use of design standards. Investigating the implementation/construction stage of the project for smooth delivery of the project. The work completion is under the supervision of faculty member(s) in addition to mentor(s) from the industry. A final report and a group presentation are required. This is a continuation of the course Civil Engineering Design Project I. [Prerequisite: CVEN 401]


CVEN 420   Design of Steel Structures (3-3-1)Properties of structural steel, Steel sections, Analysis and design concepts, LRFD design concept, Design of tension members, Design of compression members, Column base plates, Design of beams with and without lateral supports, Design of members under combined axial and bending loads, Design and details of simple bolted and welded connections and an introduction to common building connections, Composite beams, and columns, Introduction to plastic analysis. [Prerequisite: CVEN 214, CVEN 220]


CVEN 422   Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures (3-3-1)Analysis and design of irregular beams, deep beams, and continuous beams. Analysis and design of two-way floor systems (solid slabs on beam and flat slabs). Analysis and design of irregular (circular, triangular, and trapezoidal) slabs and cantilever slabs. Analysis and design of framed structures. Analysis and design of uniaxial and biaxial long columns. Torsional analysis and design of reinforced concrete members. Analysis and design of reinforced concrete foundations: isolated footings, wall footings, combined footing, and strap footings. Analysis and design of retaining walls. [Prerequisite: CVEN 320]


CVEN 423   Selected Topics in Structural Design (3-3-1)Analysis and design of pre-stressed beams, wind load calculations, use of structural analysis software for multistory buildings, introduction to structural dynamics, and new developments in structural engineering. [Prerequisite: CVEN 320]


CVEN 424   Structural Matrix Analysis (3-3-1)Matrix Analysis of Plane Framed Structures: force method and displacement method.  Formulation of stiffness and flexibility matrices. Introduction to the finite element method. [Prerequisite: CVEN 321]


CVEN 430   Foundation Engineering II (3-3-1)Analysis and design of deep foundations (piers, caissons, piles), stability of open cuts, stability and design of sheet-pile walls (cantilever, free and fixed earth support types, ties, wales), design of secant-pile walls, computer applications. [Prerequisite: CVEN 330]


CVEN 431   Selected Topics in Geotechnical Engineering (3-3-1)Stability of slopes, design of dewatering systems, characteristics of desert problematic soils (swelling soil, dune sand, salt-bearing soil “Sabkha”, liquefiable sand), soil improvement methods (mechanical, chemical), description and use of geosynthetics, stability, and design of reinforced earth walls, design of linear systems for liquid containments and solid waste landfills, computer applications. [Prerequisite: CVEN 214, CVEN 230]


CVEN 442   Selected Topics in Water Resources (3-3-1)An introduction to basic concepts and issues of water resources management, emphasizing on water law and rights, water resources planning, institutional and organizational arrangements, and sustainable water resources development. Case studies illustrate the role of political, social, economic, and environmental factors in decision-making. Physical properties of groundwater and aquifers, principals and fundamental equations of porous media flow and mass transport, well hydraulics and pumping test analysis, the role of groundwater in the hydrologic cycle. [Prerequisite: CVEN 340]


CVEN 453   Selected Topics in Environmental Engineering (3-3-1)Air Pollution Control, wastewater treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, solid waste management, remediation of contaminated soil, groundwater remediation, hazardous waste, water quality measurements, air quality measurements. [Prerequisite: CVEN 350]


CVEN 460   Pavement Materials and Design (3-3-1) Properties uses and tests of asphalt materials, Aggregate types, and classification.  Traffic characterization.  Pavement types and infrastructure.  Asphalt concrete mix design methods.  Introduction to super-pave systems. Flexible and rigid pavement analysis.  Structural design of flexible and rigid pavements.  Pavement evaluation; Serviceability concept, structural capacity, and surface distresses. [Prerequisite: CVEN 230, CVEN 360]


CVEN 461   Traffic Engineering (3-3-1)Introduction to Traffic engineering. Characteristics of road users, vehicles, and roadways. Traffic stream characteristics. Traffic studies: Speed, volume, travel time and delay, and parking studies. Capacity and Level of service (LOS) analysis for roadways and intersections. Traffic Safety; Accident studies and analysis. Methods of intersection control. Traffic signals; Warrants for signalization, Principles of Phasing, Signal coordination, and Traffic signal design and timing. [Prerequisite: CVEN 360]


CVEN 462 Selected Topics in Transportation Engineering (3-3-1)Highway planning, Mass transit plans to design and operation (bus and rail), Analysis and design of signalized intersections based on HCM, Traffic signal coordination, Introduction to pavement management systems, Introduction to airport engineering, and New developments in transportation engineering. [Prerequisite: CVEN 360]


CVEN463 Railway Track Engineering

This course delivers a background knowledge about railway engineering. The course comprises: an introduction to railway engineering, problems associated with railways, types of tracks and construction techniques, characteristics and properties of ballast, characteristics of sub-ballast and ground, characteristics of other track components, loading mechanisms, alignment design, modeling a railway track as a beam on elastic foundation, degradation of tracks, inspection and assessment techniques, and maintenance of railway tracks. [Prerequisite: CVEN 360]


CVEN 481   Project Planning and Scheduling (3-3-1)Introduction to Project Management. Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), project planning & scheduling, AON, PERT, bar-charting, line-of-balance, and VPM techniques. Project compression analysis and control. Computer applications in project management.  The Laboratory component of this course covers modern project management tools and techniques on the personal computer. [Prerequisite: CVEN 380]


CVEN 482 Selected Topics in Construction Engineering and Management (3-3-1)Selection made from the following topics: risk management, value engineering, total quality management; concurrent engineering; material management, and procurement of construction projects, project budgeting. [Prerequisite: CVEN 380]