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    Graduation Requirements

    The Ph.D. in Law Program requires that a student su​ccessfully fulfil the following requirements to be eligible for graduation:

    1. Successful completion of 60 credit hours the breakdown of which is as follows:
    •  12 hours of courses according to the study plan for the track chosen by the student, with a GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0
    •  48 hours for the dissertation.
    1. Passing the comprehensive exam at the end of the first academic year (after successfully passing 12 credit hours from the courses).
    2. Passing the nomination test at the end of the third semester (the first semester of the second academic year).
    3. Completion dissertation writing (in Arabic or English, according to the language of the track chosen by the student).
    4.  Success in defending the written dissertation at the end of the third academic year (extension is accepted provided that the total aggregated study period shall not exceed 6 years from the start to the end).
    5.  Presenting a paper in at least one conference, and acceptance of publication of two research articles in peer-reviewed journals accredited by the College, before graduation.
    6. Graduation requirements (completion of courses, passing exams, dissertation writing, successfully defending of dissertation, and presentation of other graduation requirements) are expected to be completed within three years from the date of student’s enrollment in the Program.