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    Congratulations to Prof. Alaaldin Alkilany on being awarded the prestiguous KTP-Q grant in collaboration with QLife Pharma securing 1.5 million (January 2025) 

    Over three years to foster academia-industry collaboration and advance nanotechnology-based pharmaceutical research and development. 


    Congratulations to Dr. Monica and her team on winning the visualization award in QU Annual Research Forum (October 2022)

    Project title: Resources for informal caregivers of patients with dementia: Scoping review and development of an internet-based, treatment-focused educational program.

    Students: Eman Mohamed, Leen Aldahman 

    Congratulations to Ms. Arij Hassan and Dr. Ashraf Khalil on winning 2nd place  at the  national 3MT competition

    It is our pleasure to announce that Our MSc student, Ms. Arij Hassan supervised by Dr. Ashraf Khalil, has been awarded 2nd place at the 3MT competition which was hosted by the QU Office of Graduate Studies and has been nominated to the national 3MT competition in August 2022.

    Congratulations to Dr. Banan Mukhalalati, Ms. Marwa Elshazly and Ms.Ola Adlan on winning Second place poster presentation (undergraduate level) in the 6th QU Health Research Symposium 2022

    Title of the poster: Examining the Perception of Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students of Research in Pharmacy: A Cross-Sectional Study”. (Authors): Dr. Marwa Elshazly, Dr. Ola Adlan, Dr. Banan Mukhalalati, Dr. Sara Elshami, Dr. Ahmed Awaisu, Dr. Derek Stewart, Dr. Daoud Al-Badriyeh, Dr. Feras Alali.

    Congratulations to Dr. Derek Stewart on winning Third place oral presentation (faculty level) in the 6th QU Health Research Symposium 2022

    Title: A theoretically informed, mixed-methods study of pharmacists’ aspirations and readiness to implement pharmacist prescribing”. (Author): Dr. Zachariah Nazar.

    Congratulations to Dr. Hesham Korashy and Ms. Lubna Therachiyil (PhD student)  on winning First place poster presentation (postgraduate level) in the 6th QU Health Research Symposium 2022

    Title of the poster: Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor Promotes Cell Growth, Stemness Like Characteristics, and Metastasis in Ovarian Cancer via Activation of PI3K/Akt, β-Catenin Pathway and Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition

    Congratulations to Dr. Ousama Rachid with his team on winning First and Second places for the best oral presentation award  in the Qatar Health 2022 and 2nd Qatar Public Health Conference

    First Best Oral Presentationa Award entitled: Intravenous fluids in hot pre-hospital environments: thermal and physical stability of normal saline after exposure to simulated stress conditions.

    Second Best Oral Presentation Award entitled: Monitoring temperature and humidity in ambulance service rapid-response vehicles and paramedics medication bags: a pilot study.

    Congratulations to Dr. Daoud Al-Badriyeh, Dr. Myriam Jaam and our Alumni Dr. Dina AbuShanab on winning first best poster presentation award in the Qatar Health 2022 and 2nd Qatar Public Health Conference

    We are pleased to announce that Dr. Daoud Al-Badriyah, Dr. Myriam Jaam and Our Alumni Dr. Dina AbuShanab has won, First place for best poster award  in the Qatar Health 2022 and 2nd Qatar Public Health Conference for the abstract entitled Cost-Effectiveness of Non-Statin Lipid-Modifying Agents for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease among Patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus: A Systematic Review.

    Congratulations to Mr. Muhammad Zahid and Dr. Abdelali Agouni on winning the best poster awards at the QU Research Forum & Exhibition 2021

    It is our pleasure to announce that first year PhD student in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mr Muhammad Ammar Zahid under the supervision of Dr. Abdelali Agouni won the Best Poster Award in Health and Biomedical Sciences discipline for Graduate Students category at the recent QU Research Forum & Exhibition. The winning poster was entitled “Identification of a miRNA signature as a diagnostic and prognostic marker in renal cell carcinoma”.

    Congratulations to Ms. Nour Ziftawi and Dr. Mohamed Izham on winning 2nd place award at the national 3MT competition

    It is our pleasure to announce that Our MSc student, Ms. Nour Ziftawi supervised by Dr. Mohammad Izham, has been awarded 2nd place at the national 3MT competition which was hosted by the QU Office of Graduate Studies. Ms. Nour presented a part of her MSc thesis work titled: Clinical and Pharmacoeconomic Analyses of CDK4/6 Inhibitors Use in Stage IV Breast Cancer Females in the State of Qatar: A Comparative Retrospective Study with Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Utility Analyses. The competition included universities from across Qatar and students at both the MSc and PhD level.

    Congratulations to the winners in the academics category of Shaikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al-Thani Award Education Research

    We are pleased to announce that Dr. Banan Mukhalalati, Dr. Feras Alali, Dr. Ahmed Awaisu, Ms. Ma’al Shahrour, Ms. Sara Rabie, and, Ms. Sara Elshami has won 3rd place in the academics category of Shaikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al-Thani Award Education Research under the article name “Cultural awareness and competence of pharmacy educators and learners from the perspective of pharmacy students at Qatar University: A mixed-methods approach”

    Congratulations Prof. Abdelbary Elhissi and Ms. Menatallah Rayan on winning graduate student assistantship award

    Project Title: Slurry Based Proliposome Powders Incorporating Anti-Inflammatory Steroids for the Treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Symptoms Using Medical Nebulizers

    Student: Menatallah Rayan, MSc Student

    Congratulations Dr. Abdelali Agouni and Mr. Muhammad Ammar Zahid on winning graduate student assistantship award

    Project Title: Sestrin2 as a Molecular Effector of Angiogenesis and Therapeutic Target for Ischemic Conditions: An In Vitro and Human Study

    Student: Muhammad Ammar Zahid, PhD Student

    Congratulations Prof. Hesham and Ms. Sabah Akhtar on winning graduate student assistantship award

    Proposal Title: Targeting the Immune Checkpoint Systems in Colon Cancer Stem Cells through Modulation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor/Cytochrome P450 Pathway

    Student: Sabah Akhtar, PhD Student .

    Congratulations to Dr. Abdelali Agouni on being awarded the HMC grant and the Post-Doc Research grant

    HMC Title: Synthesis of a library of substituted dihydrxylated indeno [1,2-b] pyrroles and screening of their anti-breast cancer activities in triple-negative breast cancer cell line.

    Post-Doc Title: Identification of novel small molecules to modulate the activity of Sestrin2: A drug discovery approach for novel therapies against diabetes and its complications

    Congratulations to Dr. Abdelali Agouni on receiving the National Priorities Research Program (NPRP) grant

    Title: “Applying a multidisciplinary approach for the validation of Sestrin2 and its genetic variation as susceptibility biomarker and therapeutic target for diabetic complications in Qatari population”

    Lead Institution: Qatar University

    Collaborating Institutions: Hamad Medical Corporation (Qatar) and Bahçesehir University (Turkey)

    Congratulations to Dr. Hesham Korashy and his research team for Winning the” National Science Promotion Program (NSPP) 1st cycle”
    • Second Best Project Award: “The Effect of the Aryl hydrocarbon receptor Inhibition on the CTLA-4 Immune System in Colon Cancer Stem Cells” by Dr. Hesham Korashy’s research team:
    • Ms. Maha Almeraghi and Ms. Hajar Aljumaily (High school students, Al-Arqam Academy school for girls)
    • Ms.  Eman Abdelfatah Mohamed (P4 CPH undergraduate student)
    • Ms. Enas Elhawary (Research Assistant, QU-YSC)
    • LPI: Dr.  Hesham M. Korashy

    Congratulations to Dr. Banan Mukhalalati on being granted an Early Career Researchers (ECRA) 3rd Cycle Grant!

    Grant title: Assessment of disaster preparedness and design of educational training program for healthcare practitioners in Qatar - Lessons from COVID-19 pandemic and the Gulf Crisis

    Congratulations to Dr. Bridget Javed, Dr. Daoud Al-Badriyeh and Dr. Ashraf Khalil on being granted a UREP 28 Cycle grant!

    Dr. Bridget Javed: “Reconstitution of antibiotic products by caregivers: accuracy and stability following commonly used methods”

    Dr. Daoud Al-Badriyeh: “Cost-benefit analysis of the antimicrobial stewardship program in the Heart Hospital of Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar”

    Dr. Ashraf Khalil: “A proliposome technology for the treatment of prostate cancer using the newly synthesized benzylideneacetophenone analogs”

    Congratulations to Dr. Abdelali Agouni, Dr. Ashraf Khalil, Dr. Ahmed Awaisu and Dr. Banan Mukhalalati for Winning the Collaborative Grant Cycle 5 (2022-2023)

    Dr. Abdelali Agouni

    • Project title: Understanding the role of Sestrin2 in angiogenesis and risk of ischemic disease associated with diabetes: An in vitro study and human investigation in participants of Qatar Biobank 
    • Lead PI: Dr. Abdelali Agouni
    • Type: Collaborative Grant
    • Co-PIs: Drs. Hesham Korashy; Hicham Raiq; Asad Zeidan; Mohamed A. Elrayess

    Dr. Ashraf Khalil

    • Project title: A proliposome technology for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer using the newly synthesized benzylideneacetophenone analogs
    • Type: Collaborative Grant
    • Lead PI: Dr. Ashraf Khalil
    • Co-PIs: Drs. Ala Eddin Al Moustafa and Abdelbary Elhissi

    Dr. Ahmed Awaisu

    • Project title: Development and Evaluation of a Patient-Oriented Inpatient Multidisciplinary Team Deprescribing Program for Older Patients with Polypharmacy in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Qatar
    • Lead PI: Dr. Ahmed Awaisu (QU)
    • Type: Collaborative Grant
    • Co-PIs: Drs.Ali Elbeddini (University of Ottawa), Noor Alsalemi (University of Montreal), Yaw B. Owusu (QU), Amani Zidan (QU), Daoud Al-Badriyeh (QU), Lama Madi (HMC), Hanadi Al Hamad (HMC), Moza Alhail (HMC)

    Dr. Banan Mukhalalati 

    • Project title: Examining the influence of the quality of the learning environment on the learning experiences of students and the development of their professional identities- A study from the Health Cluster at Qatar University
    • Type: Collaborative Grant
    • Lead PI: Dr. Banan Mukhalalati
    • Co-PIs: Drs. Prof Ahmed Awaisu, Dr Alla El-Awaisi, Prof Derek Stewart, Prof Marwan Abu-Hijleh, Dr Ahsan Sethi, Dr Aala Daoud, Ms Sara Elshami)
    Congratulations to Dr. Hesham Korashy for Winning IRCC
    • Project title: The Role of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in DNA Methylation of the Immune Checkpoint Genes of Colon Cancer Stem Cells: In Vitro and Clinical Studies on Qatari and Omani Patients
    • Type: International Research Collaboration Co-fund (IRCC) with Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), Oman
    • Lead PI: Dr. Hesham Korashy
    • Co-PIs: Drs. Abdel Ali and Asad Zeidan.
    • SQU: Drs. Mostafa Waly and Yahya Al Farsi