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    Presentations 2020-2019


    Mraiche FImplications of the Na+/H+ Exchanger Isoform 1 in Cardiac Remodeling: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Strategies. Pharmacology Chair's Seminar Series, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta. October 8, 2020. (Virtual).

    Mraiche F. Developing the scientific writing skills of pharmacy students. International Webinar of Pharmacy Education and Certification of Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. July 12, 2020 (Virtual)

    Mraiche F. Transitioning to virtual teaching: tips and challenges. Arab American Pharmacy Educators Business Meeting. July 17, 2020 (Virtual)

    Rainkie D, AlKhateeb F, ElHajj M. Improving question design using a program-wide exam review process. 19th Ottawa Conference: Assessment of competence in medicine and the health professions. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. March 2, 2020.


    Zolezzi M. Evaluation of cardiovascular risk in people with serious mental illness”. 8th Qatar International Mental Health Conference, December 7, 2019; Doha, Qatar.

    Suleiman M, Yalcin H; Korashy H,  Uddin SKodappully S, Abdulrahman N, Joseph K, Mraiche F. (Oral Presentation). The Role of p90 Ribosomal S6 Kinase and Autophagy in Sunitinib and Ponatinib-Induced Cardiotoxicity. 9th Annual Meeting of the Middle Eastern Association for Cancer Research: Cancer Research From Bench to Clinic. Doha – Qatar.  December 7, 2019.

    Mraiche F. Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: Pathogenesis and Novel Therapeutic Approaches. (Oral Presentation). Current Understanding in Diabetes, Obesity and Related Syndromes (CUDOS) Congress 2019 - Heart In Diabetes Symposium. Doha, Qatar. November 25, 2019. 

    Javed B, Zolezzi M, Elgaili T. Motivational interviewing: Enhancing the patient experience. (workshop). Patient Experience Forum, November 17, 2019; Doha, Qatar.

    Mraiche F. The Direct Cardiovascular Benefits of Empagliflozin, A Sodium Glucose Cotransporter Inhibitor: Is NHE1 a Viable Target? 4th Qatar University Nano Microscale Engineering in Medicine Workshop. (Oral Presentation). Doha, Qatar. November 6, 2019. 

    Nasr ZG, Jibril F, Elmekaty E, Sonallah H, Chahine EB, Alnajjar A. (Poster Presentation). Evaluation of Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs Across Governmental Hospitals in Qatar: A SWOC Analysis. 2019 American College of Clinical Pharmacy Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy. New York – USA. October 26-29, 2019.

    Mraiche F. Reflections on the Use of Active Learning Strategies in the Classroom Setting of Allied Health Professional Programs. (Conversation Cafe). Sixth Annual Symposium on Teaching and Learning: Engaging Students Through Experiential Learning. Doha, Qatar. October 5, 2019. 

    Zolezzi M, Javed B. Peer-assisted learning: A model for health care experiential programs. 6th Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium, October 5, 2019; Doha, Qatar.

    Mraiche F. Implications of the Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 in cardiac remodelling: mechanisms and therapeutic strategies. 6th Meeting of European Section and 7th Meeting of North American Section of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences (IACS). (Oral Presentation). Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia. September 14, 2019. 

    Mraiche F. NHE1 Activation and Signaling in Cardiac Remodeling. Loyola University Chicago - Stritch School of Medicine. (Invited Speaker Seminar). Illinois, Chicago, USA. July 17, 2019. 

    Mraiche F. The Na+/H+ Exchanger and Its Activator: Therapeutic Strategies For Cardiac Remodeling. University of Alberta - Membrane Protein Disease Research Group. (Invited Speaker Seminar). Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. June 6, 2019.

    Mraiche F. The Na+/H+ Exchanger and Its Activators: Therapeutic Strategies For Cardiac Remodeling. University of Saskatchewan - College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. (Invited Speaker Seminar). Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. June 18, 2019.

    Mraiche F. Uncovering the Role of Cathepsin B in Heart Failure. Joining Forces UK-Qatar Health Research Symposium. (Podium Presentation). Doha, Qatar. April 29-30, 2019.

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI.  Descriptive Statistics.  Introductory SPSS Training Workshop for Pharmacists. Bayt al Dyafah-HMC, Doha, Qatar. April 20, 2019.    

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI.  Graphical Presentation of Data.  Introductory SPSS Training Workshop for Pharmacists. Bayt al Dyafah-HMC, Doha, Qatar. April 20, 2019.   

    Awaisu A.  Inferential Statistics for Categorical Data.  Introductory SPSS Training Workshop for Pharmacists. Bayt al Dyafah-HMC, Doha, Qatar. April 20, 2019.

    Awaisu A.  Inferential Statistics for Comparison of Means.  Introductory SPSS Training Workshop for Pharmacists. Bayt al Dyafah-HMC, Doha, Qatar. April 20, 2019.

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI and Awaisu A.  Importing data from Excel/SurveyMonkey.  Introductory SPSS Training Workshop for Pharmacists. Bayt al Dyafah-HMC, Doha, Qatar. April 13, 2019.

    Awaisu A.  Data Entry Process.  Introductory SPSS Training Workshop for Pharmacists. Bayt al Dyafah-HMC, Doha, Qatar. April 13, 2019. 

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI.  Data Cleaning Process.  Introductory SPSS Training Workshop for Pharmacists. Bayt al Dyafah-HMC, Doha, Qatar. April 13, 2019. 

    Awaisu A.  Editing and Modifying the Data.  Introductory SPSS Training Workshop for Pharmacists. Bayt al Dyafah-HMC, Doha, Qatar. April 13, 2019. 

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI.  Merging Files Process.  Introductory SPSS Training Workshop for Pharmacists. Bayt al Dyafah-HMC, Doha, Qatar. April 13, 2019. 

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI.  Constructing New Variables.  Introductory SPSS Training Workshop for Pharmacists. Bayt al Dyafah-HMC, Doha, Qatar. April 13, 2019. 

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI.  Descriptive Statistics.  Introductory SPSS Training Workshop for Pharmacists. Bayt al Dyafah-HMC, Doha, Qatar. April 13, 2019. 

    Elewa, H. The Effect of Genetics and Non-Genetic Factors on Clopidogrel Responsiveness and Its Impact on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Qatar. 4th QU Health Research Symposium. March 30th , 2019

    Zolezzi M. Evaluation of Cardiovascular Disease Risk in People with Serious Mental Illness. 4th Annual QU Health Cluster Research Symposium. March 30, 2019.

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Turning Research into Impact. Workshop on Scientific Proposal Writing for Healthcare Professionals. (Podium Presentation). Lalitpur, Nepal. March 2, 2019.

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Why Proposals are Rejected? Workshop on Scientific Proposal Writing for Healthcare Professionals. (Podium Presentation). Lalitpur, Nepal. March 2, 2019.

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Patient Safety: Think Globally, Act Locally. Workshop on Pharmacovigilance and Patient Safety. (Podium Presentation). Lalitpur, Nepal. March 3, 2019.

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Inter Collaborative Care on Patient Safety. Workshop on Pharmacovigilance and Patient Safety. (Podium Presentation). Lalitpur, Nepal. March 3, 2019.

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Social Pharmacy Contributions. Workshop on Prospect of Social Pharmacy in Community. (Podium Presentation). Dharan, Nepal. March 5, 2019.

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Public Health Pharmacy. Workshop on Prospect of Social Pharmacy in Community. (Podium Presentation). Dharan, Nepal. March 5, 2019.