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National Science Promotion Program (NSPP)

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Qatar's national vision is to achieve a sustainable, diversified economy and focus on the national challenges by enhancing its knowledge & education. In this context, Qatar University Young Scientists Center (QUYSC), in collaboration with the office of Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies (VPRGS), has launched the "National Science Research Promotion Program (NSPP).

NSPP is intended to promote the interests of national youths towards the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) stream. It facilitates the national youth to enrich their research capacity using the "Learning by Doing approach" and "Hands-On experience". This program will ensure an excellent opportunity for national high-school students and Qatar University’s undergraduate students to work collectively under the mentorship of highly qualified faculty members and researchers at Qatar University.

This is an internal grant program. The STEM project proposals are submitted by the faculty members/ researchers. The submitted proposals are reviewed and the exemplary project proposals are selected for the grant. Each proposal from the mentors allows one undergraduate student of QU and two national high school students to work on the project.

  • This track gives the chance to Qatari high school students (Grade 12) to work as Research Assistants within Qatar University Laboratories
  • Students will have the chance to work with University professors and professional equipment under the supervision of the QUYSC team
  • Enrich students' knowledge of materials science and engineering, history, and more.
  • This track enhances the student's research skills and soft skills required for university entrance
  • students are familiarized with the steps of research i.e. generating a hypothesis, gathering data, experimenting, constructing evidence based on data, and consequently drawing conclusions either propagating forward to advanced research or solving a scientific problem.
  • They foster and cultivate scientific curiosity, problem-solving capability, and ultimately, the research methodology.
  • Participation certificates
  • Volunteering letters
  • Final ceremony to enhance student’s expression skills via oral/poster presentations, filming art in science, social media contests incorporating photography and videography.
  • Winners receive awards
  • Opportunities to participate in national and international competitions

Duration: 6 months

Time: 2-4 hours a week

Grades: Year 10, 11 and 12

Number of participants: 2 students per Project

For more details visit the the NSPP grant web page.

No. Research Title Awardee Name Awardee Dept. School Name Status
1 Development of Two Functional Foods for Children with Diabetes “Low-Glycemic Index Biscuits Coated with Chocolate” to Treat Anemia and Vitamin D Deficiency. Prof. Reema Tayyem Department of Human Nutrition Qatar Academy Started
2 Zebrafish as Animal Model for Testing Industrial Water Dr. Maha AlAsmakh College of Health Sciences Ibn Taymiyyah High school Started
3 The Role of Nampt Activator and NAD(H) in sepsis-induced cardiac inflammation Dr. Zaid Hussein Hasan Almaayah College Of Pharmacy Qatar Leadership Academy Started
4 Designing Spherical Solar PV To Trap More Energy Dr. Amith Khandakar College of Engineering Swiss international school Started
5 Evaluation of rhizobacteria isolated from Limonium axillare rhizosphere to enhance the growth of Arugula Prof. Mohammed Abu-Dieyeh Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences Hassan bin Thabit High School Started
6 Blue energy generation using water salinity gradient in seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination Plant Dr. Dong Suk Han Center for Advanced Materials Omar bin Abdelaziz High school Started
No. Research Title Awardee Name Awardee Dept. School Name Students’ Names Status
1 Identifying a novel treatment for sepsis-induced cardiac inflammation Dr. Zaid Almaayah College of Pharmacy Al-Arqam Academy for girls
  1. Tamader Al-Jumaily
  2. Ghalya Al-Maraghi
2 Exploring the Role of Air Pollution on the Development of Atherosclerosis Disorder in Human Endothelial Cells Prof Hesham M. Korashy College of Pharmacy Zubaida Secondary School for girls
  1. Noor Faisal A M Albadr
  2. Hissa Abdulla S R Al-Ali
3 Effect of Prosopis juliflora leaf ethanolic extract against Penicillium infections in citrus fruits Prof. Mohammed Abu-Dieyeh College of arts and science Omar Bin Al-Khattab sec. school for boys
  1. Ali Yaaqob Al-Mohamadi
  2. Rashid Mubarak Al-Khyarin
4 Biodiversity and habitat distribution of Ants fauna in Qatar Dr. Fatima Alkhayat College of arts and science Qatar Banking Studies and administration school for boys
  1. Abdulaziz Al-Darwish
  2. Khalid Al-Bardini
5 Green Energy Generation from Polylactic Acid Fiber Nanocomposites Dr. Deepalekshmi Ponnamma College of Arts and Sciences Qatar Academy for Science and Technology
  1. Yousef Ahmed S A Al-Enazi
  2. Mohammed Jassim M A Al-Kuwari
6 Design and Development of a Dynamic Vibration Absorber for a MDOF Building Prototype Dr. Asan Gani Bin Abdul Muthalif College of Engineering Al-Jazeera Academy
  1. Hamad Nasser Redhwani
  2. Mohammed Ahmad Fakhroo
No. Research Title Awardee Name Awardee Dept. School Name Students’ Names Status
1 Silver grafted Ti3C2-MXene Nanocomposite as Novel Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion-Battery Dr. Abdul Shakoor Center For Advanced Materials Jassim Bin Hamad Secondary School For Boys
  1. Saqer Hamad Al-Rumaihi
  2. Essa Ahmad Al-Mohannadi
2 The Effect of the Aryl hydrocarbon receptor Inhibition on the CTLA-4 Immune System in Colon Cancer Stem Cells Dr. Hesham M. Korashy College of Pharmacy Al-Arqam Academy For Girls
  1. Hajar Aljumaily
  2. Maha Al-Meraghi
3 Toxicity evaluation of two surfactants with anti-corrosion properties on the embryonic development of zebrafish Dr. Gheyath K. Nasrallah Biomedical Research Center Qatar BankingStudies And Business Administation For Boys
  1. Mohammed Yousef Al- Jaber
  2. Mohammed Khalid Al-Hajri
4 Bio-sludge Atlas for Qatar: Characterization of bio-sludge from municipal and industrial sources Prof. Fares Almomani, CENG College of Engineering Al-Jazeera Academy
  1. Sultan Al-Thani
  2. Ali Shams
5 Synthesis and Application Of Cobalt(Co3O4)-Impregnated Olive Stones Biochar for the Removal of Rifampicin and Tigecycline:Multivariate Controlled Performance Dr. Marwa El-Azazy College of Arts and Sciences Al-Jazeera Academy
  1. Mohammed Al-Khanji
  2. Mohammed Radwan
6 SIRT1, a novel potential target that underpin CD44-promoted breast tumor cell invasion Prof. Allal Ouhtit College of Arts and Sciences Zubida Secondary School For Girls
  1. Sara Al-Sada
  2. Noor Al-Badr