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Qatar Math Day 3

Qatar Math Day 3 | Qatar University - Image1 Qatar Math Day 3 | Qatar University - Image2
Qatar Math Day 3 | Qatar University - Image3

26th January 2023

New Building College of Education (I 10),

Qatar University, Doha


Kristóf Fenyvesi, Ph.D., University of Jyväskylä, FinlandLaith J. Abu-Raddad, Ph.D.Weill Cornell Medical College – Qatar


After our two successful Qatar Math Days, we are pleased to announce the 3rd Qatar Math Day  (QMD3)), to be held at Qatar University in Doha-Qatar on the 26th of January 2023.

QMD3  will feature a wide range of exciting talks, discussions, and networking opportunities with experts, educators, and researchers in all mathematical fields. All parties involved in mathematics education and research in the region are strongly encouraged to submit their abstracts.

QMD3 will be held live at Qatar University, but we will do our best to hold most sessions in a hybrid format so that participants can attend/present virtually or in person. Of course, we strongly recommend participation on-site for fully vaccinated participants.

Opening and Keynotes Speakers sessions will be broadcast via QU YouTube Channel, click here.

For attendee registration, click here or scan the QR code below.

Qatar Math Day 3 | Qatar University - Image4

For any questions, kindly contact us at or +974-44035500