These pages contain a list of publications (peer-reviewed publications and books/book chapters) generated by the faculty members during and prior to their tenure at Qatar University College of Pharmacy.
Brhlikova P, Babar ZUD, Pollock AM. Establishing links between drug registers and essential medicine lists. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation. 2024 doi.10.2471/BLT.24.291512
Alyas S, Hussain R, Ababneh BF, Ong SC , Babar ZUD. Knowledge, perceptions, facilitators, and barriers towards asthma self-management among patients: A systematic review of the literature. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy. 2024
Kasim FM, Hatah E., Osman LH., Ali AM, Babar ZUD. Analyzing trends and factors influencing price changes in public pooled drugs procurement system in Malaysia: Exploring market competition. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 2024 32 102214,
Hajj A, Sacre H, AKEL M, Zeenny RM, Babar ZUD, Salameh P. Mapping validated Lebanese core and specialised pharmacy competencies to globalframeworks.Pharmacy Education 2024; 24(1) 745 - 756
Fan Z, Gao T, Sun Q, Babar ZU . Whether medicine supply is really meeting primary health care needs: a mixed-methods study in Shandong Province, China. Glob Health Res Policy. 2024 ; 9, 32.
Babar ZUD. Building an effective medicines optimization model: A health system approach. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2024;46(5):1237-1242.
Babar ZUD. A conceptual framework to build effective medicine pricing policies for low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Res Social Adm Pharm. 2024 20(9):934-939. doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2024.06.008.
AbbasN, Javid F, Babar ZUD. Access to medicines in the United Kingdom: a document analysis regarding health technology assessment recommendations for innovative medicines (2017–2020). Drugs Ther Perspect 2024; 40, 417–426
Amir M, Zehra A, Munawar R, Gul W, Fatima T, KhanY, Jaffery R, Babar ZUD. Economic evaluation of clinical pharmacy service using integrated health system in tertiary care hospital. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 2024 DOI: 10.1080/14737167.2024.2319593
Khan, I.; Sunita, S.; Hussein, N.R.; Omer, H.K.; Elhissi, A.; Houacine, C.; Khan,W.; Yousaf, S.; Rathore, H.A.* Development and Characterization of Novel Combinations and Compositions of Nanostructured Lipid Carrier Formulations Loaded with Trans-Resveratrol for Pulmonary Drug Delivery. Pharmaceutics 2024, 16, 1589. pharmaceutics16121589
Ammar Siddiqui, Malik Zain Ul Abideen, Saman Fatima, Muhammad Talal Khan, Syed W. Gillani, Zeyad A. Alrefai, Muhammad Waqar Hussain, Hassaan A. Rathore*. Students' Perception of Online Versus Face-to-Face Learning: What Do the Healthcare Teachers Have to Know? Cureus, 2024, 16(2): e54217. DOI 10.7759/cureus.54217
Abushanab D, Al-Badriyeh D, Marquina C, Morton JI, Lloyd M, Zomer E, Talic S, Liew D, Ademi Z. The Reduction of the Productivity Burden of Cardiovascular Disease by Improving the Risk Factor Control Among Australians with Type 2 Diabetes: A 10-Year Dynamic Analysis. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2024. doi: 10.1093/eurjpc/zwae292. Epub ahead of print.
Abushanab D, Chbib S, Kaddoura R, Al Hail M, Abdul Rouf PV, El Kassem W, Shah J, Ravindran Nair RK, Al-Badriyeh D. Cost‑effectiveness of add‑on dapagliflozin for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction patients without diabetes. J Med Econ. 2024;27(1):404-417.
Kaddoura R, Madurasinghe V, Chapra A, Abushanab D, Al-Badriyeh D, Patel A. Beta-blocker therapy in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (B-HFpEF): A systematic review and meta-analysis. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2024;49(3):102376.
Yakti O, Al-Badriyeh D, Rijims M, Abdelaal M, Alsoukhni O, Al Hail M, Abdulrouf PV, El-Kassem W, Abounahia F, Kaddoura R, Abushanab D. Clinical pharmacists' interventions for preventing adverse events in critically ill neonates in Qatar: an economic impact analysis. J Pharm Policy Pract. 2024;17(1):170-190.
Al-Shaibi S, Abushanab D, Abounahia F, Awaisu A, Al-Badriyeh D. Letter to Editor on Fawad et al. Comment on "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Ibuprofen versus Indomethacin or Paracetamol for the Treatment of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Preterm Neonates" by Al-Shaibi et al. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2024;49(1 Pt C):102157.
Elazzazy S, Al-Ziftawi NH, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Bujassoum S, Hamad A. Comparative cost-effectiveness analysis of CDK4/6 inhibitors in the first-line treatment of HR-positive and HER2-negative advanced breast cancer: a Markov's model-based evaluation. Front Oncol. 2024; 14:1413676. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2024.1413676.
KC B, Alrasheedy AA., Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Paudya V, Christopher CM, Shrestha S, & Shrestha S. Combatting opioid misuse, overuse and abuse: a systematic review of pharmacists' services and outcomes. Pain Management 2024; 1–11.
Al-Areefi M, Mohamed Ibrahim M I, & Abubakr Abdelraouf Alfadl. The role of pharmaceutical marketing in prescribing decisions in a developing country: a comprehensive study exploiting theory of planned behaviour. Journal of Public Health and Pharmacy 2024: 4(3); 318-328.
Othman G, Ali F, Mudathir M, Heba Almoliky, Maria Al-qahtani, Nora Alezzi, Nosibah Ameen, Doa'a Anwar Ibrahim, Mohammed Mohammed Battah & Mohamed Ibrahim M.I. Awareness of breast cancer and perceived barriers to breast screening methods: a community-based cross-sectional study among women in Yemen. Discov Onc 2024; 15; 692.
Hatem NAH, Mohamed Ibrahim MI & Yousuf SA. Assessing Yemeni university students' public perceptions toward the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare. Sci Rep 2024; 14, 28299.
Badi S, Suliman SZ, Almahdi R, Aldomah MA, Elkheir HK, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Ahmed MH. The impact of the clinical pharmacist-led diabetes education on the knowledge and attitude of individuals with type ii diabetes mellitus: an interventional study. Pharmacy (Basel) 2024; 12(5):151. doi: 10.3390/pharmacy12050151.
Badi S, Suliman SZ, Almahdi R, Aldomah MA, Ahmed MH, Elkheir HK, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. The impact of diabetes education by clinical pharmacist on quality of life and treatment satisfaction of Sudanese individuals with type II diabetes mellitus: randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. J Prim Care Community Health. 2024; 15:21501319241279681. doi: 10.1177/21501319241279681.
Shehatta AL, Kaddoura R, Orabi B, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, El-Menyar A, Alyafei SA, Alkhulaifi A, Ibrahim AS, Hassan IF, Omar AS. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation pathway for management of refractory cardiac arrest: a retrospective study from a national center of extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Crit Pathw Cardiol. 2024; 23(3):149-158. doi: 10.1097/HPC.0000000000000352.
Kaddoura R, Madurasinghe V, Chapra A, Abushanab D, Al-Badriyeh D, Patel A. Beta-blocker therapy in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (B-HFpEF): A systematic review and meta-analysis. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2024;49(3):102376.
Paudyal V, Okuyan B, Henman MC, Stewart D, Fialová D, Hazen A, Lutters M, Oleárová A, Weidmann AE, Wirth F, Cadogan CA, Nazar Z. Scope, content and quality of clinical pharmacy practice guidelines: a systematic review. Int J Clin Pharm. 2024;46(1):56-69.
Abubakar U, Salman M. Antibiotic Use Among Hospitalized Patients in Africa: A Systematic Review of Point Prevalence Studies. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2024;11(3):1308-1329.
Fernandez-Llimos F, Desselle S, Stewart D, Garcia-Cardenas V, Babar ZUD, Bond C, Dago A, Jacobsen R, Nørgaard LS, Polidori C, Sanchez-Polo M, Santos-Ramos B, Shcherbakova NG, Tonin FS. Improving the quality of publications in and advancing the paradigms of clinical and social pharmacy practice research: the Granada Statements. Eur J Hosp Pharm. 2024;31(5):483-488.
Ibrahim AA, Nsairat H, Al-Sulaibi M, El-Tanani M, Jaber AM, Lafi Z, Barakat R, Abuarqoub DA, Mahmoud IS, Obare SO, Aljabali AAA, Alkilany AM, Alshaer W. Doxorubicin conjugates: a practical approach for its cardiotoxicity alleviation. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2024;21(3):399-422.
El-Tanani M, Nsairat H, Aljabali AA, Matalka II, Alkilany AM, Tambuwala MM. Dual-loaded liposomal carriers to combat chemotherapeutic resistance in breast cancer. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2024;21(2):309-324.
Kuttikrishnan S, Ahmad F, Mateo JM, Prabhu KS, El-Elimat T, Oberlies NH, Pearce CJ, Akil ASA, Bhat AA, Alali FQ, Uddin S. Neosetophomone B induces apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells via targeting of AKT/SKP2 signaling pathway. Cell Biol Int. 2024;48(2):190-200.
Nazar Z, Naseralallah LM, Stewart D, Paudyal V, Shafei L, Weidmann A. Application of behavioural theories, models, and frameworks in pharmacy practice research based on published evidence: a scoping review. Int J Clin Pharm. 2024;46(3):559-573.
Alshihab S, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Hadi MA, Syed A, Arabi A, Al-Qahtani A, Almujalli H, Rafie I, Al-Kuwari MG, Kandy M, Al-Zaidan M. Evaluation of warfarin management in primary health care centers in Qatar: A retrospective cross-sectional analysis of the national dataset. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2024;49(4):102427.
Iqbal H, Fernandes Q, Idoudi S, Basineni R, Billa N. Status of Polymer Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)-Based Three-Dimensional Printing (3DP) in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Polymers. 2024;16(3):386.
Fernandez-Llimos F, Negrão LG, Bond C, Stewart D. Influence of automated indexing in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) selection for pharmacy practice journals. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2024;20(9):911-917.
Abdelsam SS, Ghanem SK, Zahid MA, Abunada HH, Bader L, Raïq H, Khan A, Parray A, Djouhri L, Agouni A. Human antigen R: Exploring its inflammatory response impact and significance in cardiometabolic disorders. J Cell Physiol. 2024;239(5):31229.
Zolezzi M, Eltorki Y. A brief history and challenges of clozapine utilization in the Arab world. Schizophr Res. 2024;268:21-24.
Lim A, Krishnan S, Singh H, Furletti S, Sarkar M, Stewart D, Malone D. Linking assessment to real life practice – comparing work based assessments and objective structured clinical examinations using mystery shopping. Adv Health Sci Educ. 2024;29(3):859-878.
Abdel-latif R, Badji R, Mohammed S, Al-Muftah W, Mbarek H, Darwish D, Assaf D, Al-Badriyeh D, Elewa H, Afifi N, Masoodi NA, Omar AS, Al Suwaidi J, Bujassoum S, Al Hail M, Ismail SI, Althani A. QPGx-CARES: Qatar pharmacogenetics clinical applications and research enhancement strategies. Clin Transl Sci. 2024;17(6):13800.
Sulaiman A, Isah MA, Usman A. An assessment of the index of rational drug prescribing for severe acute respiratory infections among hospitalised children in Northern Nigeria: a retrospective study. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2024;22(6):479-486.
Rayan M, Sayed TS, Hussein OJ, Therachiyil L, Maayah ZH, Maccalli C, Uddin S, Prehn JHM, Korashy HM. Unlocking the secrets: exploring the influence of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and microbiome on cancer development. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 2024;29(1):538.
Therachiyil L, Peerapen P, Younis SM, Ahmad A, Thongboonkerd V, Uddin S, Korashy HM. Proteomic insight towards key modulating proteins regulated by the aryl hydrocarbon receptor involved in ovarian carcinogenesis and chemoresistance. J Proteomics. 2024;295:105108.
Khan A, Zahid MA, Shahab M, Al-Zoubi RM, Shkoor M, Benameur T, Agouni A. Investigating the role of functional mutations in leucine binding to Sestrin2 in aging and age-associated degenerative pathologies using structural and molecular simulation approaches. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 2024;2335289.
Dhulkifle H, Diab MI, Algonaiah M, Korashy HM, Maayah ZH. Apabetalone (RVX-208): A Potential Epigenetic Therapy for the Treatment of Cardiovascular, Renal, Neurological, Viral, and Cancer Disorders. ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci. 2024;7(3):546-559.
Saidi D, Obeidat M, Alsotari S, Ibrahim AA, Al-Buqain R, Wehaibi S, Alqudah DA, Nsairat H, Alshaer W, Alkilany AM. Formulation optimization of lyophilized aptamer-gold nanoparticles: Maintained colloidal stability and cellular uptake. Heliyon. 2024;10(10):30743.
Scott M, Urbańczyk K, Stewart D. European Society of Clinical Pharmacy: 'Implementing and scaling sustainable clinical pharmacy'. Int J Clin Pharm. 2024;46(2):355-356.
Elsayed Mahmoud D, Billa N. Physicochemical modifications in microwave-irradiated chitosan: biopharmaceutical and medical applications. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed. 2024;35(6):898-915.
Zidan A, Awaisu A. Inappropriate polypharmacy management versus deprescribing: A review on their relationship. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2024;134(1):6-14.
Bassi M, Bilel S, Tirri M, Corli G, Di Rosa F, Gregori A, Alkilany AM, Rachid O, Roda E, Zauli G, Locatelli CA, Marti M. Pharmaco-toxicological effects of the novel tryptamine hallucinogen 5-MeO-MiPT on motor, sensorimotor, physiological, and cardiorespiratory parameters in mice—from a human poisoning case to the preclinical evidence. Psychopharmacology. 2024;241(3):489-511.
Khan A, Zahid MA, Mohammad A, Agouni A. Structure-guided engineering and molecular simulations to design a potent monoclonal antibody to target aP2 antigen for adaptive immune response instigation against type 2 diabetes. Front Immunol. 2024;15:1357342.
Khan A, Waheed Y, Kuttikrishnan S, Prabhu KS, El-Elimat T, Uddin S, Alali FQ, Agouni A. Network pharmacology, molecular simulation, and binding free energy calculation-based investigation of Neosetophomone B revealed key targets for the treatment of cancer. Front Pharmacol. 2024;15:1352907.
Zawiah M, Khan AH, Farha RA, Usman A, Al-Ashwal FY, Akkaif MA. Assessing the predictive value of neutrophil percentage to albumin ratio for ICU admission in ischemic stroke patients. Front Neurol. 2024;15:1322971.
Alves da Costa F, Fernandez-Llimos F, Desselle S, Arnet I, Babar Z, Bond C, Cordina M, Garcia Cardenas V, El Hajj MS, Jacobsen R, Law AV, Nørgaard LS, Polidori C, Shcherbakova N, Stewart D, Tonin F, Weidmann AE. The International Collaboration of Pharmacy Journal Editors (ICPJE) formally constituted to foster quality around clinical and social pharmacy practice research publications. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2024;10.1016/j.sapharm.2024.10.001.
Hassan AF, Hussein O, Al-Barazenji T, Allouch A, Kamareddine L, Malki A, Moustafa AA, Khalil A. The effect of novel nitrogen-based chalcone analogs on colorectal cancer cells: Insight into the molecular pathways. Heliyon. 2024;10(5):27002.
Makki M, Akmal Shafie A, Awaisu A, Hussain R, Al Hail M, ElMotasim WM, Mohamed Ali Taha MY, Abdoun E, Al-Khuzaei NMJ, Salama G, Pallivalapila A, El Kassem W, Thomas B. Patients' knowledge, attitude, and practices toward unused medications in Qatar: A cross-sectional survey. Heliyon. 2024;10(12):31931.
Mohamed AA, Elmancy LY, Abulola SM, Al-Qattan SA, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Maayah ZH. Assessment of Native Myocardial T1 Mapping for Early Detection of Anthracycline-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Patients with Cancer: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Cardiovasc Toxicol. 2024;24(6):563-575.
Al-Diery T, Hejazi T, Al-Qahtani N, ElHajj M, Rachid O, Jaam M. Evaluating the use of virtual simulation training to support pharmacy students' competency development in conducting dispensing tasks. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2024;16(12):102199.
Kuttikrishnan S, Hasan M, Prabhu KS, El-Elimat T, Oberlies NH, Pearce CJ, Alali FQ, Ahmad A, Pourkarimi E, Bhat AA, Yalcin HC, Uddin S. Exploring the in vivo anti-cancer potential of Neosetophomone B in leukemic cells using a zebrafish xenograft model. Exp Cell Res. 2024;435(1):113907.
Al-Zoubi RM, Al-Jammal WK, Shkoor M, Bani-Yaseen AD, Khan A, Agouni A, McDonald R. Efficient and regioselective synthesis of ortho-diiodinated homobenzylic alcohol derivatives: in silico evaluation as potential anticancer IDO/TDO inhibitors. Org Biomol Chem. 2024;22(36):7395-7410.
Abdelkarim OA, Abubakar U, Hussain MA, Abadi AEB, Mohamed AO, Osman W, Sherif AE, Ebrahim SA, Ahmed AH, Ahmed MO, Ashour A. Knowledge, Perception, and Self-Confidence of Antibiotic Resistance, Appropriate Antibiotic Therapy, and Antibiotic Stewardship Among Undergraduate Pharmacy Students in Sudan. Infect Drug Resist. 2024;17:935-949.
Shahid I, Shahzad MI, Tutsak E, Mahfouz MMK, Al Adba MS, Abbasi SA, Rathore HA, Asif Z, Chen Z. Carbon based sensors for air quality monitoring networks; middle east perspective. Front Chem. 2024;12:1391409.
Abushanab D, Al-Badriyeh D, Marquina C, Liew D, Al-Zaidan M, Ghaith Al-Kuwari M, Abdulmajeed J, Ademi Z. Societal health and economic burden of cardiovascular diseases in the population with type 2 diabetes in Qatar. A 10-year forecasting model. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2024;26(1):148-159.
El-Awaisi A, Yakti OH, Elboshra AM, Jasim KH, AboAlward AF, Shalfawi RW, Awaisu A, Rainkie D, Al Mutawa N, Major S. Facilitators and barriers to interprofessional collaboration among health professionals in primary healthcare centers in Qatar: a qualitative exploration using the "Gears" model. BMC Prim Care. 2024;25(1):2537.
Venugopala KN, Chandrashekharappa S, Deb PK, Al-Shar'i NA, Pillay M, Tiwari P, Chopra D, Borah P, Tamhaev R, Mourey L, Lherbet C, Aldhubiab BE, Tratrat C, Attimarad M, Nair AB, Sreeharsha N, Mailavaram RP, Venugopala R, Mohanlall V, Morsy MA. Identification of potent indolizine derivatives against Mycobacterial tuberculosis: In vitro anti-TB properties, in silico target validation, molecular docking and dynamics studies. Int J Biol Macromol. 2024;274:133285.
Alshihab S, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Abdul Hadi M, Syed A, Arabi AR, Al-Qahtani A, Al Mujalli H, Rafie I, Gaith Al-Kuwari M, Kandy M, Al-Zaidan M. Exploring stakeholder perceptions of implementing a pharmacist-led anticoagulation clinic in primary care settings: a cross-sectional study. J Pharm Policy Pract. 2024;17(1):2395529.
Khan A, Ammar Zahid M, Farrukh F, Salah Abdelsalam S, Mohammad A, Al-Zoubi RM, Shkoor M, Ait Hssain A, Wei DQ, Agouni A. Integrated structural proteomics and machine learning-guided mapping of a highly protective precision vaccine against mycoplasma pulmonis. Int Immunopharmacol. 2024;141:112833.
Shalash A, Zolezzi M. The evolving role of pharmacists in depression care: a scoping review. Int J Clin Pharm. 2024;46(5):1044-1066.
Mukhalalati B, Aly A, Yakti O, Elshami S, Daud A, Awaisu A, Sethi A, El-Awaisi A, Stewart D, Abu-Hijleh MF, Austin Z. Examining the perception of undergraduate health professional students of their learning environment, learning experience and professional identity development: a mixed-methods study. BMC Med Educ. 2024;24(1):5875.
Nazar N, Hussain AI, Rathore HA. Inter-Varietal Variation in Phenolic Profile, Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of Two Brassica rapa Varieties: Influence on Pro-Inflammatory Mediators. Molecules. 2024;29(1):117.
Talkhan H, Stewart D, McIntosh T, Ziglam H, Abdulrouf PV, Al-Hail M, Diab M, Cunningham S. Exploring determinants of antimicrobial prescribing behaviour using the Theoretical Domains Framework. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2024;20(4):401-410.
Suleman M, Khattak A, Akbar F, Rizwan M, Tayyab M, Yousaf M, Khan A, Albekairi NA, Agouni A, Crovella S. Analysis of E2F1 single-nucleotide polymorphisms reveals deleterious non-synonymous substitutions that disrupt E2F1-RB protein interaction in cancer. Int J Biol Macromol. 2024;260:129559.
Kempen TGH, Benaissa Y, Molema H, Valk LE, Hazen ACM, Heringa M, Kwint HF, Zwart DLM, Kälvemark Sporrong S, Stewart D, van Dijk L. Pharmacists' current and potential prescribing roles in primary care in the Netherlands: a case study. J Interprof Care. 2024;38(5):787-798.
El-Awaisi A, Ismail S, Sulaiman R, Kane T, El Hajj MS, Shraim M. A Qualitative Exploration of Health Profession Students' Experiences of Resilience and Burnout Using the Coping Reservoir Model during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Teach Learn Med. 2024;36(3):256-268.
Hashmi FK, Muneeb M, Umair S, Mushtaq B, Saeed H, Islam M, Abid F, Abrar Y, Shahzadi B, Khan AA, Ahsan Q, Rasool MF, Malik UR, Ahmed S, Rathore HA, Saleem Z. Parents' behaviour toward antibiotic self-medication in children and incidence of resistance: a cross-sectional study from Punjab, Pakistan. Fam Med Prim Care Rev. 2024;26(1):39-50.
Kawish M, Siddiqui NN, Jahan H, Elhissi A, Zahid H, Khatoon B, Raza Shah M. Targeted pH-responsive delivery of rosmarinic acid via phenylboronic acid functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles for liver and lung cancer therapy. Pharm Dev Technol. 2024;29(6):541-550.
Amekyeh H, Sabra R, Billa N. A Window for Enhanced Oral Delivery of Therapeutics via Lipid Nanoparticles. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2024;18:613-630.
Hammoudi Halat D, Shami R, Daud A, Sami W, Soltani A, Malki A. Artificial Intelligence Readiness, Perceptions, and Educational Needs Among Dental Students: A Cross-Sectional Study. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2024;10(4):925.
Abuyousef S, Alnaimi S, Omar NE, Elajez R, Elmekaty E, Abdelfattah-Arafa E, Barazi R, Ghasoub R, Rahhal A, Hamou F, Al-Amri M, Karawia A, Ajaj F, Alkhawaja R, Kardousha A, Awaisu A, Abou-Ali A, Khatib M, Aboukamar M, Al-Hail M. Early predictors of intensive care unit admission among COVID-19 patients in Qatar. Front Public Health. 2024;12:1278046.
Zulfiqar H, Hussain AI, Ali Q, Rathore HA, Ahmed I. Phenolic profile, nutritional potential and biological activities of wildly grown accessions of Cucumis melo var. Agrestis. J King Saud Univ Sci. 2024;36(7):103276.
Abushanab D, Chbib S, Kaddoura R, Al Hail M, Abdul Rouf PV, El Kassem W, Shah J, Ravindran Nair RK, Al-Badriyeh D. Cost‑effectiveness of add‑on dapagliflozin for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction patients without diabetes. J Med Econ. 2024;27(1):404-417.
Abushanab D, AL-Marridi W, Al Hail M, Abdul Rouf PV, ElKassem W, Thomas B, Alsoub H, Ademi Z, Hanssens Y, Enany RE, Al-Badriyeh D. The cost associated with the development of the antimicrobial stewardship program in the adult general medicine setting in Qatar. J Pharm Policy Pract. 2024;17(1):2326382.
Al Jayyousi-Alsalim GF, Alsayed Hassan D, Khaled SM, Zolezzi M, O'Hara L, Daher-Nashif S, Alhaija ES, Kane T, Al-Wattary N, Abidia RF, Al Hadeethi TTA, Abdul Rahim HF, Morris LD. Institutional and Socio-Cultural Factors that Influence the Wellbeing of Women Working in Academia in Arab Countries: A Scoping Review. SAGE Open. 2024;14(4):21582440241259693.
Albahri G, Badran A, Abdel Baki Z, Alame M, Hijazi A, Daou A, Baydoun E. Potential Anti-Tumorigenic Properties of Diverse Medicinal Plants against the Majority of Common Types of Cancer. Pharmaceuticals. 2024;17(5):574.
Fahmi AM, El Bardissy A, Saad MO, Elshafei MN, Bader L, Mahfouz A, Kasem M, Abdelsamad O, Elzouki A, Aquilante CL, Mraiche F, Soaly E, El Madhoun I, Asaad N, Arabi A, Alhmoud E, Elewa H. Clinical versus fixed warfarin dosing and the impact on quality of anticoagulation (The ClinFix trial). Clin Transl Sci. 2024;17(6):13797.
Suleman M, Sayaf AM, Khan A, Khan SA, Albekairi NA, Alshammari A, Agouni A, Yassine HM, Crovella S. Molecular screening of phytocompounds targeting the interface between influenza A NS1 and TRIM25 to enhance host immune responses. J Infect Public Health. 2024;17(7).
Khanam A, Ijaz Hussain A, Mohammed EH, Nahar L, Rathore HA. Phenolic Profile of Seedless Ziziphus mauritiana Fruits and Leaves Extracts with In Vivo Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities: Influence on Pro-Inflammatory Mediators. Chem Biodivers. 2024;2401728.
El Dakkak B, Taneera J, El-Huneidi W, Abu-Gharbieh E, Hamoudi R, Semreen MH, Soares NC, Abu-Rish EY, Alkawareek MY, Alkilany AM, Bustanji Y. Unlocking the Therapeutic Potential of BCL-2 Associated Protein Family: Exploring BCL-2 Inhibitors in Cancer Therapy. Biomol Ther. 2024;32(3):267-280.
Kang W, Peng K, Yan VKC, Al-Badriyeh D, Lee SF, Yiu HHE, Wei Y, Li STH, Ye X, El Helali A, Lam KO, Lee VHF, Wong ICK, Chan EW. Direct oral anticoagulants versus low-molecular-weight heparin in patients with cancer-associated venous thrombosis: a cost-effectiveness analysis. J Pharm Policy Pract. 2024;17(1):2375269.
Pir GJ, Zahid MA, Akhtar N, Ayadathil R, Pananchikkal SV, Joseph S, Morgan DM, Babu B, Ty Ui R, Sivasankaran S, Francis R, Own A, Shuaib A, Parray A, Agouni A. Differentially expressed miRNA profiles of serum derived extracellular vesicles from patients with acute ischemic stroke. Brain Res. 2024;1845:149171.
Fahmi AM, Bardissy AE, Saad MO, Fares A, Sadek A, Elshafei MN, Eltahir A, Mohamed A, Elewa H. Accuracy of an internationally validated genetic-guided warfarin dosing algorithm compared to a clinical algorithm in an Arab population. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2024;49(12):102865.
Ageeb S, Abdelmoghith A, ElGeed H, Awaisu A, ElMansor A, Owusu Y. Prevalence, Associated Risk Factors, and Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes of Statins Discontinuation: A Systematic Review. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2024;33(8):5879.
Makki M, Shafie AA, Awaisu A, Hussain R, Al Hail M, ElMotasim WM, Taha MYM, Abdoun E, Al-Khuzaei NMJ, Salama G, Pallivalapila A, El Kassem W, Thomas B. Patients' insights into unused medications during the COVID-19 outbreak: A qualitative study. Explor Res Clin Soc Pharm. 2024;16:100517.
Ahmed AI, Al-Nuaimi S, Mustafa A, Zeidan A, Agouni A, Djouhri L. Kv7 Channel Activators Flupirtine and ML213 Alleviate Neuropathic Pain Behavior in the Streptozotocin Rat Model of Diabetic Neuropathy. J Pain Res. 2024;17:2267-2278.
Albabtain B, Paudyal V, Cheema E, Bawazeer G, Alqahtani A, Bahatheq A, Shuweihdi F, Hadi MA. Translation, cultural adaptation and validation of Patient Satisfaction with Pharmacist Services Questionnaire (PSPSQ) 2.0 into the Arabic language among people with diabetes. PLoS One. 2024;19(6):0298848.
Awad K, Jaam M, Awaisu A, Stewart D, Rathore HA, Abdul Hadi M. Impact of pharmaceutical care interventions in improving clinical outcomes among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: a systematic review. J Pharm Policy Pract. 2024;17(1):2305770.
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