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    Peer Tutoring

    The Peer Tutoring program provides collaborative support for undergraduate students desiring assistance with lower-division course content or general study skills. Peer tutors work directly with students in small groups and one-on-one settings under the supervision of a Specialist.

    There is no need to make appointments. Access to tutors will be on a first-come first-served basis. To view the tutoring schedule please click here. All our peer tutors are committed to promoting independent, active learning among the students they assist.

    Each semester, the Section of Academic Support nominates a tutor for outstanding service and dedication to the position. The selection criteria may include but not limited to: deep understanding of the job responsibilities, motivation, enthusiasm, understanding the academic needs of students, student feedback and evaluation, punctuality, and accepting additional responsibilities.

    Peer Tutor of Semester Award

    Outstanding Service Award

    Tutor NameSemesterCollege
    Amenah Yousef KhalediFall 2014College of Business and Economics
    Yousra Rahmaha Hussein EmamSpring 2014College of Business and Economics
    Wigdan Mohamed AhmedFall 2013College of Engineering
    Hind Tarek El SalehSpring 2013College of Arts and Sciences
    Amna Abdulameer YusufFall 2012College of Arts and Sciences
    Masba ObaidSpring 2012College of Arts and Sciences
    Basma YahiaFall 2011College of Business and Economics