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    Our Services

    ​Peer tutoring Program

    It is Considered one of the most Important Academic Support Programs that have Proven Effective in Achieving Goals, where Outstanding Students are used to help their Classmates and try to Transfer their Personal and Academic Skills that Enabled them to Achieve Academic Excellence. The Student who Teaches this Program will have Completed one of the Courses and Obtained an Excellent Degree, as he is thus Familiar with the Course Subject and the Different needs of Students. Teaching takes place Individually or in Small Groups through which the Peer Teacher can meet the needs of each Individual Student.

    Skills development program

    Believing in the Importance of Building an Integrated Personality, the Skills Development Program Aims to Develop Student's Academic, Personal and professional Skills, and meet their needs in many Aspects that serve their Decisions or Achieve Development for their Personality, and make them Generations Capable of Facing their Academic Challenges and Achieving Success while at the same time Achieving the Highest Degree of Psychological and Social Compatibility and their Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Labor Market.

    Course Professor Initiative

    It is a Voluntary Initiative shown by the Faculty Members of the College to Provide their Services to their Students in the Courses, whether by Allocating a Portion of their Office Hours or Proposing Voluntary Workshops that Contribute to Raising Student's Academic or Personal Competence. This Initiative Aims to make the Course Professor a Partner with us in Facing and Facilitating challenges Facing some of his Students in some Aspects of Learning, as well as Developing some of their Academic Skills that are Reflected in the Student's Performance in the Course and its Assignments. And Extend a Communication Channel for Feedback between him and the College.

    Assistant student Initiative in the Classroom

    is a collaborative initiative between course professors and the Support Unit - Success Oasis. In this initiative, each course professor selects a distinguished colleague or student to assist a student with difficulty in the course. The course professor plays an active role in overseeing and mentoring this initiative and guides them in assignments, ensuring that the student in need receives concurrent support from their peer within the classroom environment.

    As part of this initiative, the course professor offers a range of services to the assistant student, including reviewing, enhancing, and monitoring assignments. Additionally, the assisting student is acknowledged and honored by the Support Unit through the presentation of a certificate of appreciation, recognizing their valuable cooperation in serving students.

    Proactive support initiative in the courses of the College of Education

    It is an initiative directed by the Support Unit - Success Oasis at the beginning of each semester, It involves close collaboration with College of Education professors to proactively monitor and assess student performance, particularly in assignments, before examinations.

    The primary objective is to promptly identify any challenges or difficulties faced by students, allowing for timely intervention and provide appropriate support through the Success Oasis program at the beginning of the semester, in order to avoid any difficulties that arise for the student in the future.

    Anxiety and Emotions Management Initiative

    The Anxiety and Emotions Management Initiative, provided by the Support Unit - Success Oasis, is designed to alleviate students' test-related anxiety. This program engages with faculty members, encouraging them to promote a positive attitude towards exams among students. It involves the dissemination of motivational and encouraging messages, from both faculty members and Success Oasis to all students. These messages aim to empower students in effectively managing their test-related anxiety.