The National Center for Educational Development is an educational interface that attracts local, regional and international partnerships, either to benefit from its expertise and/or start initiatives to develop academies, programs and educational development projects. These partnerships aim at improving the educators’ performance which will be reflected on increasing students’ achievement.
First: Exxon Mobile, Qatar
•Innovators in Education project, in partnership with ExxonMobil - Qatar
"Innovators in Education" project - in partnership with ExxonMobil Company - stems from Qatar University's role as one of the major educational institutions in sponsoring distinguished academic initiatives, as well as contributing to achieving the vision of both the College of Education and the College of Engineering by supporting and promoting a culture of innovation and creativity in education. The project targets educators in schools, universities and colleges as well as students in universities and colleges, to provide educational innovations in the fields of educational tools, educational games, multimedia and learning software

Qatar University ExxonMobil Teachers Academy: Held jointly by College of Education, Qatar University (QU) and ExxonMobil Qatar, the Qatar University ExxonMobil Teachers Academy is an innovative professional development program established in 2012 to enhance math and science teaching skills among educators. The annual, weeklong academy provides public school teachers with active-learning and inquiry-based teaching techniques, tailor-made for engaging students in the learning process and deepening their understanding of math and science.
STEM Academy: The STEM academy is an educational orientation held jointly by College of Education-NCED and Exxon Mobil that prepares school students to engage in careers related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEM also contributes to empowering students’ skills of survey, logical thinking, problem solving, and learner skills for the 21st century through scientific activities and integrated application to ultimately prepare learners to succeed in their university life and their career prospects.
Second: Tokoyo-Gakugei University (Japan) & Marubini Company
Lesson Study: The international project of professional mathematics teachers based on the lesson study methods-IMPULS-QU is a joint effort of partnership between Qatar University and Tokoyo-Gakugei University (Japan) and funded by Marubini.
The lesson analysis project is an advanced learning approach that applies a systematic and strong model of professional development for primary and preparatory school teachers in Qatar.
Third: Qatar Assistive Technology Center (MADA)

Assistive Technology Program: This Program is designed and offered in collaboration with Qatar Assistive Technology Center (MADA). The course aims at introducing participant educators to the area of Assistive Technology, providing definitions of common terms and explaining the benefits of using technology with students. A review of common challenges faced by children with disability in education and suggested solutions are presented and discussed. Further, the course describes common ICT based technologies that can be of benefit to students with disability in the classroom. This includes guidelines on general accessibility of both platforms (PC and iPAD) and resources such as documents, websites, etc.
Fourth: Reach Out To Asia (ROTA) & Muntajat Company

Project Based Learning: A joint venture launched between College of Education- NCED at Qatar University and Reach Out To Asia (ROTA) in 2013 and continues for its sixth year. The collective efficacy in this program is focusing on “Project- Based Learning” which is currently being implemented in Qatari Public Schools. The initial efforts within the project is a result of the complete cohesiveness between College of Education- NCED Vision and that is of ROTA to support and prepare well-equipped teaching staff members who will be able to positively influence students’ learning through projects.
Fifth: Ministry of Education & Higher Education
Basic Teacher Training program: The initiative launched in cooperation between College of Education- NCED at Qatar University and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar early 2015-2016 academic year. The College of Education- NCED assumed responsibilities to design, prepare, and present all training materials coordinated by the NCED professional development specialists with College of Education faculty members. Training sessions are designed based on the national professional standards for teachers, the 21st century teaching skills, and teachers’ job description.