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    Study Plan

    • Track 1: MSc in Biomedical Sciences (Advanced Clinical Practice)

    First Year Study Plan for MSc in BMS Advanced Clinical Practice track. CH: Credit Hours, PR: pre-Requisite

    First Year (18 CH)
    Fall (9 CH) Spring (9 CH)
    BIOM 510Pathophysiology3-BIOM 530Current Issues in Clinical Lab Sciences3-
    BIOM 520Principle of Biomedical Lab Management 3-BIOM 540*Research Methods in Biomedical Sciences3BIOM 510
    BIOM 550

    Medical Lab Law and


    3-BIOM 515Molecular Diagnostics3-

    Second Year Study Plan for MSc in BMS Advanced Clinical Practice track. CH: Credit Hours, PR: pre-Requisite

    First Year (18 CH)
    Fall (9 CH) Spring (9 CH)
    XXXElective (Pole 1 or 2)3 XXXElective (Pole 1 or 2)3 
    XXXElective (Pole 1 or 2)3 XXXElective (Pole 1 or 2)3 
    BIOM 699Thesis*0-6BIOM 540BIOM 699ǂThesis 0-6BIOM540

    *In BIOM 540 students are assigned research projects and are required to write the “Initial Research Proposal" in the Spring of the first year. 

    ǂIn BIOM 699 students work on their research projects during the second year. The student is required to dedicate a minimum of two full semesters to complete the research project. During this time, they should allocate a total of 600 hours for research work. This translates to a minimum of 5 hours per day, spread across four days a week, within a 15-week semester. Additionally, direct learning should constitute 15-20% of the total research project work.

    List of Elective Courses:

    The study plan for both tracks includes four elective courses, with two available each semester. The program provides a diverse range of electives drawn from both our department and other pertinent departments and colleges. Students will have the opportunity to select their electives from three distinct pools, contingent upon course availability.


    Pools for Elective Courses

    Elective Course Code


    Course Title


    Credit Hours


    Selection Criteria


    Pool 1


    Specialisms Elective courses

     Advanced Clinical Practice trackBiomedical Laboratory Management track
    BIOM650Pathogenic Microbiology3Select two coursesSelect One course
    BIOM651Viral Pathogenesis and Diagnosis3
    BIOM670Principles of Immunochemistry3
    BIOM675Immunology and Serology3
    BIOM681Advanced Haematology3
    BIOM682Advanced Immunohematology3
    GENC 612Medical & Human Genetics I3
    Pool 2General Elective Courses   
    BIOM666Special topics in Human Reproduction3Select two CoursesSelect One Course
    BIOM 683

    Machine Learning for Biomedical and Health


    BIOM 685

    Applications of Bioinformatics in Health


    PUBH 606Clinical Epidemiology3
    PUBH 605Health Services Management and Leadership3
    Pool 3Management Elective Courses   
    BIOM 610Medical Lab Finance Operation3No selectionSelect two Courses
    MAKT 604Marketing Management3
    MAGT 602Human Recourse Management3
    MAGT 603Operation Management3

