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    CHS Committees

    College Council

    A.    Council Mandate: Review and discuss all issues related to the College of Health Sciences (CHS) and decide on appropriate discussed issues course of action.

    B.    Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    Discuss issues brought to the committee by the Dean's Office, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs' Office, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs' Office, or raised by Departments.


    Academic Council

    A. Committee Mandate: Review and discuss all academic issues related to CHS and make recommendations to the Dean on the appropriate course of action.

    B. Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1.     Discuss academic issues brought to the committee by the Dean's Office, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs' Office, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs' Office, or raised by Departments.

    2.     Review proposals for new academic programs, new courses, curricula changes, and make the appropriate recommendations to the Dean.

    3.     Support accreditation and APR processes of academic programs in the College.

    4.     Draft and review college internal policies, and make the appropriate recommendations to the Dean.


    CHS Promotion Committee

    A.    Committee Mandate: Review and evaluate each candidate file, following procedural and substantive guidelines as outlined by the College/QU Health/QU.

    B.    Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1.     Review the process of promotion and make recommendations for enhancement.

    2.     Provide faculty with clear guidelines and unambiguous criteria for promotion in accordance with the latest QU Health faculty promotion guidelines.

    3.     Provide committee deliberations along with specific recommendations formally to the College Dean.

    CHS Retention Committee

    A.    Committee mandate: Oversee retention of the college faculty by evaluating faculty development and contribution to teaching, research, and community services in alignment with the mission and objectives of the College.

    B.    Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1.     Provide final recommendations on contract renewals to the Dean.

    2.     Provide feedback on faculty progress and performance.

    3.     Maintain records on faculty retention rates.


    CHS Recruitment Committee

    A.    Committee Mandate: Ensure quality recruitment of qualified faculty and staff for departmental programs.

    B.    Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1.     Develop and evaluate guidelines/criteria for faculty recruitment.

    2.     Review shortlisted faculty applications from departments and conduct interviews.

    3.     Take decision regarding faculty and staff recruitment.


    CHS Research Committee

    A.    Committee Mandate:  Support research conducted by CHS faculty members and students, including all aspects of pre- and post-awards.

    B. Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1. Develop and revise internal guidelines and forms to manage various aspects of

         research within CHS and in line with QU Health and QU policies.

    2. Develop and review guidelines for quality assurance of student research.

    3. Record college research activities and prepare relevant reports, including data on

        grants, publications, faculty conference attendance, etc.  

    4. Review and recommend interim reports as needed and applications for internal

        research grants in a peer review dependent manner.

    5. Support and encourage participations in research forums and symposia.

    6. Recommend ways to enhance quality research within CHS and liaise with the QU  

        Health Research Office to address matters relevant to research within the College.

    7. Promote faculty and student research across QU through outreach activities.

    8. Review faculty applications for professional development (e.g conference


    9. Promote interdisciplinary research and scholarship opportunities among faculty and


    10. Ensure CHS compliance with QU Health and QU research guidelines.

    11. Establish research ties between Departments/CHS/QU Health Colleges/other QU

         Colleges and institutions within and outside Qatar.


    CHS Outreach and Marketing Committee

    A.    Committee Mandate: Strengthening social, cultural and academic interaction between CHS faculty members on one hand and between them and the local community and institutions on the other and initiating programs and projects for the enrichment of student life in CHS through extra-curricular activities.

    B.    Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1.     Organize cultural, intellectual, social, artistic and athletic activities for CHS faculty members on campus.

    2.     Motivate visits to Qatari schools and local societies and give guest lectures.

    3.     Coordinate and organize shared events between faculty and students.

    4.     Organize joint activities (seminars, forums, workshops, etc.) for CHS students.

    5.     Link faculty and student activities with society.

    6.     Prepare annual reports including recommendations for all outreach issues.


    CHS Student Judiciary Committee

    A.    Committee Mandate: Investigate and act upon any alleged student violation and misconduct related practices in the College of Health Sciences and propose recommendations to the Dean of the College on suitable measures to be taken.

    B.    Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1.     Discuss cases of violated student codes of conduct forwarded to the committee by the Dean's Office, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs' Office, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs' Office or Departments.

    2.     Review all information provided by the accused student, those harmed, and others who may have any relevant input regarding the alleged violation and settle on an appropriate decision.

    1. Ensure that clear guidelines and limits are enforced to protect students, faculty members, TAs, and staff at CHS and their rights.
    2. Protect the rights of the accused student and provide the student with a fair and supportive resolution to address the alleged violation.
    3. Provide CHS students with educational programs and mediations directed at promoting responsible and accountable behavior.


    Department Level Committees:

    Department Recruitment Committee

    A.    Committee Mandate: Ensure an efficient, fair, and transparent recruitment process of qualified faculty (including academic support) for departmental programs.

    B.    Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1.     Prepare recruitment announcements in line with the needs of the department.

    2.     Follow up on the timely dissemination of position advertisements through QU website, specialized listservs, and other appropriate outlets.

    3.     Screen and short list applications for academic positions.

    4.     Arrange interviews and presentations as per the needs of the position.

    5.     Prepare recruitment reports for each position, with clear recommendations to the Head of Department.

    6.     Review and update assessment forms as appropriate.

    7.     Update the Head of Department on the faculty and academic support staff recruitment process.


    Department Academic Committee

    A.    Committee Mandate: Ensure quality practices and outcomes across all undergraduate academic matters in the department, including curriculum changes, inter-professional education, program learning outcomes, academic program reviews, benchmarking, accreditation, and assessment. The committee may divide its functions across subcommittees (e.g. assessment, PLOS, etc.) as appropriate. The Head of Department chairs this committee.

    B.    Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1.     Review and make decisions on all curriculum enhancement submissions, including

    program self-study, major and minor curriculum enhancements, and academic program restructuring.

    2.     Review and make decisions on course substitution requests and other study plan


    3. Review proposals for new and restructured programs and provide feedback and

         recommendations to the proposal preparers.

    4. Maintain a curriculum map of course learning outcomes for programs and minors.

    5. Maintain and review a mapping which justifies course prerequisites.

    6. Review and endorse the program learning outcome assessment reports.

    7. Advise on the course(s) involved in IPE activities biannually.

    8. Liaise with the CHS IPE focal point to support IPE activities between all healthcare



    Department Graduate Studies Committee

    A.    Committee Mandate: Oversee graduate program development and review, and ensure adherence to policies and procedures among graduate programs within the Department.

    B.    Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1.     Oversee the format and quality of the graduate degrees including admissions, registration, complaints, proposals of external examiners and completion rates.

    2.     Review new graduate program proposals and curricular changes and make recommendations.

    3.     Ensure that QU policies and procedures relating to graduate degrees are up-to-date and in line with College policies.

    4.     Develop and review guidelines for quality assurance of student research.

    5.     Recommend ways to ensure/enhance quality of graduate programs within CHSC.

    6.     Evaluate student thesis/capstone proposals and nominated thesis external examiners.