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    Supervised Practice Program (SPP)

    The Supervised Practice Program (SPP) at Qatar University's Department of Nutrition Sciences is competency-based, emphasizing the significance of experiential education in equipping students for professional success. This one-year program, conducted in various healthcare facilities across Qatar, offers 32 weeks of diverse rotations in clinical, community, primary care, and foodservice settings. Through hands-on training and comprehensive exposure, students develop essential skills and gain valuable insights to meet the demands of the profession.

    Students undergo extensive training in various clinical rotations including general medical, pediatric (both general and specialty areas such as metabolic diseases and neonatal intensive care), oncology and hematology, cardiac, intensive care units, renal, long-term care, and elective rotations like bariatric, burns, gynecology, surgical, and home care. Additionally, they receive training in foodservice settings within hospital environments. Community-based training occurs in primary health care facilities and elective sites focused on health promotion, such as governmental institutions, diabetes centers, sports nutrition facilities, and educational institutions.

    Key stakeholders involved in this program include Hamad Medical Corporation, Primary Health Care Corporation, Ministry of Public Health, Qatar Foundation, Qatar Diabetes Association, and ASPETAR.