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Conference Speakers


Prof. Rick Krever  

Prof. Rick Krever


The University of Western Australia

Professor Rick Krever is a leading taxation law and policy expert. He has been closely involved in modern Australian tax reform initiatives for many years, including as a member of the Commonwealth Government's Taxation Law Improvement Project Consultative Committee and the Review of Business Taxation (Ralph Review). Professor Krever has been a professor-in-residence at the Australian Taxation Office and the Australian Treasury and has twice been seconded to the International Monetary Fund. His international visiting professor positions include appointments at Osgoode Hall Law School, Erasmus University, and Harvard Law School. Professor Krever has worked with a variety of international organizations including the United Nations, European Union, Asian Development Bank, and World Bank as a post-conflict and development specialist, assisting in tax law design and drafting in regional and other jurisdictions including East Timor, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Argentina, Antigua and Barbuda, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Ghana, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kosovo, Tajikistan and Latvia.


Adrian Sawyer  

Prof. Adrian Sawyer


University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Adrian Sawyer is a Professor in the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.


Kerrie Sadiq  

Prof. Kerrie Sadiq


Queensland University of Technology (UTS), Australia

Kerrie Sadiq holds the position of Professor of Taxation in the School of Accountancy at the QUT Business School, Queensland University of Technology. She is a Chartered Tax Adviser as designated by the Taxation Institute of Australia, a CPA and a CA. At QUT, Kerrie is a member of the Accounting for Social Change research group and the Centre for Decent Work and Industry. From 2020-2023 Professor Sadiq was Chair of the Academic Board of The Tax Institute and Board Member of HEPCo, TTI s Education provider.  From October 2023, she is a member of the Tax Practitioners Board.

Kerrie's research expertise are in international tax, tax expenditures, and capital gains tax. She is the co-editor of Australian Tax Review, an internationally recognized leading academic tax journal.  She is the author of publications in both Australian and International journals and edited books and is a co-author of taxation texts. Kerrie is often cited in the media concerning international tax issues and regularly receives invitations to speak on contemporary tax topics. Recent work has been specifically on issues in international tax, such as transfer pricing, the OECD’s approach to base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), Australia’s role in the G20 and the BEPS project, and the automatic exchange of tax information. Kerrie has written balanced articles on BEPS for The Conversation, as well as writing and presenting findings for the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) and appearing before the 2015 Senate Inquiry into Corporate Tax Avoidance. Prior to joining Queensland University of Technology, Kerrie was an academic at The University of Queensland as a member of both their Law School and Business School.


Prof. Martin-Wenz  

Prof. Martin Wenz


University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein

Prof. Martin Wenz is a Professor of National and International Tax Law and holds the Chair for Business Taxation and the Laws of International and Liechtenstein Taxation at the University of Liechtenstein. He is also the Academic Head of the Liechtenstein Executive School and the Program Director of the Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Taxation. His main research interests are the international tax policy, the re-design of tax systems, international tax standards, the international Level-playing-field on taxation, the international tax treatment of individuals, companies, private and charitable asset and wealth structures and the various aspects of the Liechtenstein tax law. Professor Wenz gives also comprehensive advice to the Liechtenstein Government on national and international tax law including Double Tax Agreements and on the Implementation of International and European Tax Standards including Pillar 2.


john vella  

Prof. Jost Heckemeyer


University of Kiel, Germany

Prof. Jost Heckemeyer holds the Chair of Corporate Accounting and Taxation at the Institute of Business Administration at Kiel University, Germany, and he is also a Research Associate at the Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim, Germany. His research interests focus on the effects of taxation on companies in globalised and digitalised markets competing for capital and a highly qualified workforce. In this context, Professor Heckemeyer advises national and international institutions - such as the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Swiss tax administration - on the design of an efficient tax policy that is up to today’s challenges. Before moving to Kiel University, Jost Heckemeyer was Professor of Accounting and Taxation at the Leibniz University Hannover from 2014 to 2017. He completed his doctorate in 2012 at Heidelberg University. He then held a post-doc position at the University of Mannheim. A research stay took him to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington D.C., in 2011..


Prof. Pascal  

Dr. Agustin Redonda


Council of Economic Policies (CEP), Germany

Agustin Redonda is a Senior Fellow with the Council on Economic Policies (CEP) where he focuses on fiscal policy, with a strong focus on tax expenditures and tax incentives. Prior to that, he has been a research and teaching assistant with the Economics Department (IdEP) of the University of Lugano (Switzerland). He also worked with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MTSS) in Argentina. Agustin holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Lugano (USI), a MSc in Economics from the University Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne, an MSc in Economics from the University Paris – Est Créteil, and a BA in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He is also a trained TADAT Assessor - Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT), and has worked as a consultant for different governments, and regional and international organizations.



Prof. Shafiq Hebous


International Monetary Fund, USA

Shafik Hebous (Ph.D. in Economics; Goethe University Frankfurt) is deputy division chief in the IMF's Fiscal Affairs Department with extensive expertise in public finance and tax policy. Shafik leads and supervises capacity development work in taxation, including advising countries on revenue mobilization and improving the efficiency and inclusiveness of the tax system. Shafik has led and contributed to IMF's analytical agenda in taxation, including the flagship publication Fiscal Monitor. His main area of research is public finance, covering topics such as the implications of emerging technologies on taxation, the taxation of multinational companies, and fiscal multipliers. Shafik was a visiting scholar at the University of California (Berkeley), Oxford University (Center for Business Taxation), and the University of Oslo. His work has been published in academic refereed journals such as American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics, and Journal of Public Economics.