Professor Rick Krever is a leading taxation law and policy expert. He has been closely involved in modern Australian tax reform initiatives for many years, including as a member of the Commonwealth Government's Taxation Law Improvement Project Consultative Committee and the Review of Business Taxation (Ralph Review). Professor Krever has been a professor-in-residence at the Australian Taxation Office and the Australian Treasury and has twice been seconded to the International Monetary Fund. His international visiting professor positions include appointments at Osgoode Hall Law School, Erasmus University, and Harvard Law School. Professor Krever has worked with a variety of international organizations including the United Nations, European Union, Asian Development Bank, and World Bank as a post-conflict and development specialist, assisting in tax law design and drafting in regional and other jurisdictions including East Timor, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Argentina, Antigua and Barbuda, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Ghana, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kosovo, Tajikistan and Latvia.