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    Publications 2022

    Journal Articles

    AlKhereibi, A; Onat, N; Furlan, R; Grosvald, M; Awwaad, R; (2022) “Underlying Mechanisms of Transit-Oriented Development: A Conceptual System Dynamics Model in Qatar,” Designs, 6(71), DOI: 103390/Designs6050071,

    Ahmad, AM; Abdelkarim, S; Al-Nuaimi, M; Makhoul, N; Mathew, L; Garba, S; (2022), "Inclusiveness assessment tool for disabled persons in higher education facilities", Journal of Facilities Management, DOI: 10.1108/JFM-08-2021-0086,

    Ahmad, AM; Rodriguez-Trejo, S; Hafeez, MA; Dawood, N; Kassem, M; Naji, K; (2022) “Drivers for energy analysis towards a BIM-enabled information flow,” Smart and Sustainable Built Environment. ISSN: 2046-6099, DOI: 10.1108/SASBE-07-2021-0129,

    Al-Mohannadi, A; Furlan, R; (2022) “The Syntax of The Qatari Traditional House: The Spatial Effect of Privacy, Gender Segregation and Hospitality,” Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. DOI: 10.1080/13467581.2020.1869555,

    Al-Mohannadi, A; Furlan, R; Grosvald, M; (2022) “Women’s spaces in the vernacular Qatari courtyard house: How privacy and gendered spatial segregation shape architectural identity,” Open House International, 37 2), 72-81, DOI: 10.1108/OHI-01-2022-0011,

    Bahrami, P; Fadli, F; Zaina, S; Daemei, AB; Darvish, A; Abbaszadegan, SM; (2022) “Plant performance analysis of biofacades in a hot, arid Region of Qatar,” Urban Ecosystems, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s11252-022-01257-0,

    Yadeta, C; Indraganti, M; Alemayehu, E; Tucho, GT; (2022) “An investigation of human thermal comfort and adaptation in naturally ventilated residential buildings and its implication for energy use in tropical climates of Ethiopia,” Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 28:7, 896-915, DOI: 10.1080/23744731.2022.2048574,

    Elnour, M; Fadli, F; Himeur, Y; Petri, I; Rezgui, Y; Meskin, N; Ahmad, AM; (2022) “Performance and energy optimization of building automation and management systems: Towards smart sustainable carbon-neutral sports facilities,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 162, 112401, Elsevier/Permagon Publishers. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112401,

    Elnour, M; Himeur, Y; Fadli, F; Mohammedsherif, H; Meskin, N; Ahmad AM; Petri, I; Rezgui, Y; Hodorog, A; (2022) “Neural network-based model predictive control system for optimizing building automation and management systems of sports facilities,” Applied Energy, 318, 119153, Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119153,

    Fadli. F; Bahrami. P; Zaina. S; (2022) “The Design and Applications of an Innovative Irrigation System for Biofacades in Hot Arid Climates,” International Journal of Global Warming, Inderscience Publishers, 233-245. DOI: 10.1504/IJGW.2022.120847

    Furlan, R; Grosvald, M; (2022) “A Social-Ecological Perspective for Emerging Cities: The Case of the Corniche Promenade, ‘Urban Majlis’ of Doha,” Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 6(2), DOI: 10.24294/jipd.v6i2.1496,

    Furlan, R; Al-Mohannadi, A., Major, MD; Paquet, T; (2022) “A Planning Methodology for the Adaptive Transit Oriented Development: The Case of Souq Waqif in Doha, Qatar’ Open House International, DOI: 10.1108/OHI-05-2022-0121,

    Harrouz, JP; Katramiz, E; Ghali, K; OuahraniD; Ghaddar, N; (2022) “Life cycle assessment of desiccant–Dew point evaporative cooling systems with water reclamation for poultry houses in hot and humid climate,” Applied Thermal Engineering 210, (118419),

    Himeur, Y; Elnour, M; Fadli, F; Meskin, N; Petri, I; Rezgui, Y; Bensaali, F; Amira, A; (2022) “Next-generation energy systems for sustainable smart cities: Roles of transfer learning,” Sustainable Cities and Society, 85, 104059, Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2022.104059.

    Ibrahim, H; Khattab, Z; Khattab, T; Abraham, R; (2022). “Generative Adversarial Network Approach to Future Sermonizing of Housing Dispersal in Emerging Cities,” Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 1468(1), March 2022, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), DOI: DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000783,

    Ismail, N; Ouahrani, D; (2022) “Modelling of cooling radiant cubicle for an office room to test cooling performance, thermal comfort and energy savings in hot climates,” Energy, 244, (123185), DOI: 10.1016/,

    Jamaleddin, M; Ibrahim, H. Ferwati, SM; Khamidi, MFIndraganti, M; (2022). “Pre-Transit Oriented Development Assessment Guidelines for Assessing Metro Station Dependent Component Area,” Designs, 6(56) DOI: 10.3390/designs6030056,

    Mareeva, VM; Ahmad, AM; Ferwati, MS; Garba, SG; (2022) “Sustainable Urban Regeneration of Blighted Neighborhoods: The Case of Al Ghanim Neighborhood, Doha, Qatar,” Sustainability, 14(12), 6963. DOI: 10.3390/su14126963,

    Marthya, KL; Major, MD; (2022) “Real Estate Market Trends in the First New Urbanist Town: Seaside, Florida,” Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, DOI: 10.1080/17549175.2022.2071966,

    Zaina. S; Fadli, F; Hosseini, SM; (2022) “Evaluation of smart irrigation systems in hot-arid climates for green roofs and walls: case of Doha, Qatar,” Smart and Sustainable Built Environment. Emerald Publishing Limited. ISSN: 2046-6099,


    Conference Papers

    Al-Amadi, D; Major, MD; Atour, RM; Al-Ansari, DY; Al-Maiki, N; Amleh, RAA; Mareeva, V; Mohammedsheriff, H; (2022) “Form and Function in The Pearl-Qatar Artificial Island Development,” 5th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA-2022) Conference Proceedings Book (J.M.P. Madrigal, M. Nikoofam, Eds), 11-13 May 2022, Alanya HEP University, Alanya, Turkey: Municipality of Alanya, 617-627, DOI: 10.38027/ICCAUA2022EN0100, E-ISBN: 978-605-71006-2-7,,

    Major, MD; Radu, AT; Tannous, HO; (2022) “Spatial Culture of Traditional Syrian Courtyard Houses in Old Damascus,” 13th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings. Bergen, Norway: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), 20-24 June 2022, 342:1-342:22,

    Major, MD; Tannous, HO; Alatoom, RO; Al-Banai, A; Al-Maadeed, GM; Taha, HA; Ellath, LA; (2022) “Design, Function & Gender in a Place of Discovery: Qatar University Main Library,” 13th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings. Bergen, Norway: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), 20-24 June 2022, 347:1-347:20,

    Mirincheva, V; John, D; Major, MD; (2022) “The Role of Synergy, Intelligibility and Permeability in Structuring Polycentric Development in Doha,” 13th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings. Bergen, Norway: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), 20-24 June 2022, 418:1-418:21,

    Shariatfar, M; Lee, YC; Ferwati, MS; Ahmad, AM; (2022) “Design Structure Matrices for Developing Urban Level Information Delivery Manuals,” SBE22 SEOUL, Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) 2022 Seoul. 14-15 July  2022. Seoul, South Korea

    Shubbar, F; Boussaa, D; (2022) “The Role of Cultural Heritage Tourism in Regenerating Old Muharraq in Bahrain”, 5th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, 11-13 May 2022, Alanya, Turkey. Conference full paper proceedings book, PP: 606-616.  DOI: 10.38027/ICCAUA2022EN0089,

    Tannous, HO; Major, MD; Aravassery, FA; Mohammed, H; Shakerpoor, G; Ellath, LA; (2022) “Space, Time and Natural Movement in Old Doha: The Morphological Case of Souq Waqif,” 13th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings. Bergen, Norway: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), 20-24 June 2022, 365:1-365:21,