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    Reference Syllabi

    GENG 106 - Computer Programming

    Course description: This course introduces the student to computer concepts, control structures, functions, arrays: single and multi-dimensional, and string processing. The course also examines input/output statements including data file I/O, arithmetic, logical and comparison operators, along with an introduction to classes.

    Credit Hours:  3 Credit hours (2 Lecture hours and 3 Lab hours)

    Levels: Undergraduate

    Schedule Types: Lecture/Lab

    Reference Syllabus

    GENG 107 - Engineering Skills and Ethics

    Course description:Introduction to engineering and engineering disciplines, engineering ethics, communication skills, study skills and problem solving skills, introduction to design.

    Credit Hours: 3 Credit hours (3 Lecture hours)

    Levels: Undergraduate

    Schedule Types: Lecture

    Reference Syllabus

    GENG 111 - Engineering Graphics

    Course description: This course discusses the fundamental concepts of engineering graphics. It also provides an introduction to computer graphics using CAD software. The following topics are covered: Drawing conventions such as standards, line types and dimensioning; drawing of inclined and curved surfaces; deducting the orthographic views from a pictorial; drawing full and half sections; deducting an orthographic view from given two views; pictorial sketching (isometric and oblique). 

    Credit Hours:  3 Credit hours (2 Lecture hours and 3 Lab hours)

    Levels: Undergraduate

    Schedule Types: Lecture/Lab

    Reference Syllabus

    GENG 200 - Probability and Statistics for Engineers

    Course description: Classification of Data. Graphical representation. Arithmetical description. Probability theory, probability of an event and composite events. Addition rule and multiplication rule, independent events. Counting techniques. Random variables and probability distributions. Expected values. Continuous and discrete random variables. Normal distribution. Binomial distribution. Poisson distribution. Joint and marginal probability distributions. Independence of random variables. Covariance and correlation. Random sampling. Unbiased estimates. Statistical intervals and test of hypothesis for a single sample.

    Credit Hours: 3 Credit hours (3 Lecture hours)

    Levels: Undergraduate

    Schedule Types: Lecture

    Reference Syllabus

    GENG 300 - Numerical Methods 

    Course description: The numerical methods course involves solving engineering problems drawn from all fields of engineering. The numerical methods include: error analysis, roots of nonlinear algebraic equations, solution of linear and transcendental simultaneous equations, matrix and vector manipulation, curve fitting and interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. 

    Credit Hours:  3 Credit hours (2 Lecture hours and 3 Lab hours)

    Levels: Undergraduate

    Schedule Types: Lecture/Lab

    Reference Syllabus

    GENG 360 - Engineering Economics

    Course description: Principles of Engineering Economy. Equivalence and compound interest formula. Single payment model. Uniform payment model. Gradient payment model. Decision criteria for single and multiple alternatives: Present worth, annual worth, future worth, internal rate of return, and benefit cost ratio. Before and after tax analysis. 

    Credit Hours: 3 Credit hours (3 Lecture hours)

    Levels: Undergraduate

    Schedule Types: Lecture

    Reference Syllabus