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    Research and Publications

    Research in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) at Qatar University is at the top priority. The MIE department is characterized by cutting edge, innovative and world class research by its dedicated and award-winning faculty members and research groups. The MIE students are actively involved in research-based education, performing hands-on research through the Undergraduate Research Experiences Program (UREP).

    The very high quality of our researchers is regularly recognized through numerous research grants, prestigious awards and frequent publications in well-respected scientific journals. The faculty members in the Department are often invited to give invited and keynote speeches at the regional and international scientific events.

    Research in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering falls into six main cluster areas, namely, Biomedical Engineering; Materials & Design; Energy, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and Thermofluids; Quality & Management; Operations Research & Supply Chain; and Manufacturing & Automation. 

    Biomedical Engineering

    The Biomedical Engineering research at MIE department in Qatar University is focused on Bio-robotics, Biomaterials, Biomechanics, Biomedical implants, Design of medical equipment, Bio prosthetics and Development of artificial tissues including artificial skins, and engineered blood vessels, as well as Biofluids such as Airflow through human airways, and CSF flow.

    Materials & Design

    The Materials and Design research at MIE department focuses on Composite materials, Nano composites, Design of composite UAV, Mechanics of composite materials, Finite element simulation, Mechanical design, Stress analysis, and Impact mechanics, Engineering materials and design, Manufacturing processes, Computational crashworthiness, Accident reconstruction, Mechanics and AI in Engineering, Advanced materials, Design for impact -crashworthiness and blast, Computational and applied mechanics, Product design, Reliability and robustness, Corrosion of materials, Metallography, and testing and Failure of materials.

    Energy, CFD & Thermofluids

    The Energy, CFD & Thermofluids research in the MIE department focus on Thermofluids, CFD, Experimental fluid mechanics, Flow visualization, MHD flows, Heat exchangers, Gas turbines, Thermal insulations, Combustion and emissions, Alternative fuels, Internal combustion engines, Carbon Capture technologies and Optimal design of hybrid renewable energy systems.

    Quality & Management

    The Quality & Management cluster of the MIE department focusses on modeling and solution of complex industrial engineering problems, project management, operational Research & Industrial Engineering Techniques, Production Planning, Scheduling and Control, systems modeling & simulation, Logistics and supply, energy planning, Industrial Engineering Applications, total quality management, road and traffic safety.

    Operation Research & Supply Chain

    The Operational Research & Supply Chain Cluster focuses on Operations Research, sequencing and scheduling, stochastic models in production and logistics, Transportation and Logistics, Operations and Service Management, Competition and Cooperation in Supply Chains, Applied Game Theory, Sustainable Supply Chains, Supply Chain Management, Transportation and Logistics Management, Industrial Engineering, absorption and adoption of quality, productivity management, and lean methods.

    Manufacturing & Automation

    The Manufacturing and Automation research at MIE department focuses on Dynamic modeling, condition monitoring and diagnosis of rotating machines, and semi active control of vehicles suspensions, HCI and UX, Human-centered design, Human decisions and Human factors.

    Vibration and Acoustics

    The Vibration and Acoustics Cluster (VAC) in the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at Qatar University concentrates on a wide range of topics including modeling, simulation, measurement and control of vibration and noise as well as condition monitoring of assets. The research activities range all the way from fundamental theoretical investigations to applied research projects with applications in various sectors such as, oil and gas, transportation, environmental and manufacturing industries.