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    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Program (Conventional)

    About the Program

    The Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering is offered for the first time in Fall 2011. The mission of the doctoral program in the College of Engineering is to provide students with intensive advanced training in research that leads to the highest level of scholarly achievement and enable them to conduct research independently to address new challenges as innovators. The Ph.D. program is highly research-intensive.

    The Ph.D. program is designed to enhance students' competencies in contributing to the existing body of knowledge, innovation, and creation of new knowledge and techniques. Students are expected to equip themselves with strong theoretical and methodological foundations and to develop their ability to conduct research independently.

    The total credit hours for the program is 60 credits. Students enrolled in the program are required to complete a minimum of 27 credit hours of coursework and 33 credit hours of research work. The typical duration of the program is four years (eight semesters) and the maximum duration is eight years (sixteen semesters). The program currently caters only to full-time students.

    The concentrations of the Ph.D. Program are as follow:

    Architecture Curriculum and Study Plan
    Urban Planning           Curriculum and Study Plan
    Chemical Engineering   Curriculum and Study Plan
    Computer Science       Curriculum and Study Plan
    Computer Engineering Curriculum and Study Plan
    Civil Engineering           Curriculum and Study Plan
    Electrical Engineering Curriculum and Study Plan
    Industrial and Systems Engineering Curriculum and Study Plan
    Mechanical Engineering             
    Curriculum and Study Plan
    Engineering Management         Curriculum and Study Plan
    Environmental Engineering         Curriculum and Study Plan
    Material Science and EngineeringCurriculum and Study Plan

     For more details check the Graduate Catalog

    Program Objectives

    Graduates of the doctoral program will be able to fulfill most of the following educational objectives:

    1. Foster Innovation of new ideas, methods, and techniques in science and engineering.
    2. Contribute to the advancement of the scientific body of knowledge in engineering and related fields.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the time a student completes all requirements of the program, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes:

    1. Able to systematically review, analyze, assimilate and interpret the body of scientific literature and innovations in their discipline area,
    2. Apply and validate innovations and discoveries in the lab or real-world settings in more efficient and effective ways,
    3. Produce high-quality research
    4. Disseminate effectively the research output in reputable international journals, conferences, patents, research proposals, and other scientific venues.

    Admission Requirements

    For Ph.D. program admission requirements please Click Here

    Graduation Requirements

    In order to graduate, students of the Ph.D. program must have successfully completed the following requirements:

    1. A minimum of 27 credit hours of course work must be completed. The grade point average (GPA) must be 3.0 or higher on a scale of 4.00.
    2. Pass the qualifying exam after completing 18 credit hours.
    3. At least two publications accepted in peer-reviewed and indexed journals.
    4. An acceptable thesis must be completed within eight years after the admission.

    For more information about Study Plan, please Click Here

    International Affiliation

    Two memorandum of understanding (MoU) agreements between Qatar University and two international universities, namely Politecnico Di Milano and Politecnico Di Torino, have been signed to advance the existing relationships and engage collaborative opportunities.

    Ph.D. students seeking a dual degree from one of the international universities must first have successfully passed admission to QU -- they can then apply for admission to the university abroad as Visiting Research Students on condition of fulfilling the required international university standard admission policies and criteria (including English Language proficiency). For more details check the Graduate Studies Booklet.