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    Welcome Message

    On behalf of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering department, I welcome you to the department’s web page. As one of the founding departments of College of Engineering (CENG), Qatar University, Qatar, we are an established engineering department whose traditions are deeply rooted in excellence. With staff strength of over 40 full-time faculty and teaching assistant, we are the largest Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department in the State of Qatar. We offer B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering as well as Industrial and Systems Engineering. We are in an enviable position of continuing growth and rejuvenation. The department continues to search for young, promising researchers to enrich its academic staff and promote its exciting research vision. Part of that process entails expanding vertically by offering graduate research programs, improving the foundation of its unique laboratory facilities, redesigning its educational programs for tomorrow's challenges, contributing to national endeavors, cementing the connection with its alumni, and deepening cooperation with industry.

    As such, the department is devoted to nurturing cutting-edge researchers and welcomes with equal vigor both potential applicants interested in 

    joining our department as well as proposals aimed at cooperative ventures. Our team of committed and dedicated staff members continues to make us proud as they strive for excellence as evident by the strong representation of some of our faculty on the Editorial Boards of well-reputed international journals.In terms of research output, MIE department ranks among the best in the State of Qatar in both quality and quantity of publications.

    As a department, we have strong international research links with universities in many countries, including the National University of Singapore, Rutgers University, University College of London, Texas A & M University, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, National University of Malaysia, University Putra Malaysia, Sheffield Hallam University, Dalhousie University, among others.    

    I hope these web pages provide you with a useful introduction to the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering department and the work we do. Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information about our department.

    Prof. Saud Ghani

    Head of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering department