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    Publications 2019

    Book Chapters

    Furlan, R., (2019). “Qatar, Doha’ (Chapter 10)” In Pojani D., Corcoran, J., Sipe, N., Mateo-Babiano, I., Stead, D., (Eds.), Parking: An International Perspective. UK: Elsevier.

    Journal Papers

    Asadi, S., Mostavi, E., Boussaa, D., Indraganti, M. (2019). “Building energy model calibration using automated optimization-based algorithm,” Energy and Buildings, 198, 106-114.

    Mostavi, E., Asadi, S., Boussaa, D. (2019). “Development of an Integrated Quality Function Deployment and Utility Theory Weighting System to Improve Occupants' Satisfaction,” Journal of Architectural Engineering., 25(4), 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000368.

    Fadli F., Al Saeed M. (2019). “Digitizing vanishing architectural heritage; The design and development of Qatar historic buildings information modeling [Q-HBIM] platform,” Sustainability, 11(9), 2501,

    Fadli F., Al Saeed M. (2019). “A holistic overview of Qatar's (Built) cultural heritage; Towards an integrated sustainable conservation strategy,” Sustainability, 1, 2277; doi:10.3390/su11082277.

    Gorte, B., Zlatanova, S., Fadli, F. (2019). “Navigation in Indoor Voxel Models”, ISPRS Annals for Photogrammetry: Remote sensing and spatial information systems, 4(2W/5), 279-283.

    Fadli, F., Zaina, S., Bahrami, P. (2019). “Smart Biofaçades; An innovative living construction technology,” Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 3, 2019.

    Ferwati M.S., Al Suwaidi M., Shafaghat A., Keyvanfar A. (2019). “Employing biomimicry in Urban metamorphosis seeking for sustainability: Case studies,” Architecture, City and Environment, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, ISSN-e 1886-4805, 40, 2019, 133-162

    Ferwati M.S., Al Saeed M., Shafaghat A., Keyvanfar A. (2019). “Qatar Sustainability Assessment System (QSAS)-Neighborhood Development (ND) Assessment Model: Coupling green urban planning and green building design,” Journal of Building Engineering, Elsevier, 22, doi: 10.1016/j.jobe.2018.12.006.

    Shafaghat A., Ying O.J., Keyvanfar A., Jamshidnezhad A., Ferwati M.S., Ahmad H., Mohamad S., Khorami M. (2019). “A treatment wetland park assessment model for evaluating urban ecosystem stability using analytical hierarchy process (AHP),” Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, Dorma Journals, 7(1), 81-91.

    Ibrahim, H., Aboukalloub, B., Awwaad, R. (2019). “Analytical Appraisal of Nationals and Expatriates Housing Choices in Emerging Cities: The Case of Metropolitan Doha,” Open House International, Urban International Press, United Kingdom, 44(4), 64-72, ISSN # 0160-2601.

    Ibrahim, H., Salama, A., Wiedmann, F., Aboukalloub, B., Awwaad, R. (2019), “Investigating Land Use Dynamics in Emerging Cities: The Case of Downtown Neighbourhood In Doha,” Journal of Urban Design, Taylor & Francis, 15th July 2019, 25(3), 387-411, doi: 10.1080/13574809.2019.1632179, ISSN 2029-7955.

    Ibrahim, H., Salama, A., Wiedmann, F., Awwaad, R., Aboukalloub, B. (2019). “Investigating Housing Distribution for the Expatriate Population in Doha,” Journal of Urban, Planning and Transport Research, Taylor & Francis, 7(1), 34-52, June 12, 2019. doi: 10.1080/21650020.2019.1635520, ISSN 2165-0020.

    Al Touma, A., Ouahrani, D. (2019). “Evaporatively-cooled façade integrated with photovoltaic thermal panel applied in hot and humid climates,” Energy, 172 (2019) 409-422.

    Wiedmann, F, Salama, A., Ibrahim, H., Mirincheva, V. (2019). “New Housing Patterns and Spatial Fragmentation in Gulf Cities,” Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability (RJOU), Taylor & Francis, 12(4), 393-411, doi: 10.1080/17549175.2019.1626263, June 24, 2019.

    Major, M.D., Mirincheva, V., Tannous, H.O. (2019). “Urban Transformations: From restricted random aggregation to designed cultural intent in Middle Eastern cities” (in Chinese and English), China Journal of Urban Design. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 5, 2019: 34-49.

    Conference Papers

    Boussaa, D. (2019). “Between Independence and Interdependence; Towards a Sustainable Future for Old Doha in a Global World,” IAFOR. The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment (ACSEE), Tokyo, Japan, 20-22 May 2019.

    Regaya, Y., Fadli, F., Amira, A. (2019). “3D Point Cloud Enhancement using Unsupervised Anomaly Detection,” 2019 International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE). Edinburgh Oct 2019.

    Fadli, F., Zaina, S., Bahrami, P. (2019). “Smart biofaçades; An innovative living construction technology,” 5th International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, SCMT 2019, Kingston upon Thames; United Kingdom; 14-17 July 2019.

    A. Hammi, Ouahrani, D. (2019). “Developing A Competency-Based Bim Educational Framework Among Qatar Tertiary Institutions Through Co-Op Approach,” INTED2019Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

    Ibrahim, H., Salama, A., Wiedmann, F., Aboukalloub, B., Awwaad, R. (2019). “Implications for affordable housing in Emerging Cities: The case of Doha-Qatar,” 2nd International Conference on “Innovation in Global Business, Social Sciences & Economics”- IGBSSE- 2019, GI Social Science Forum- GISSF, Soul, South Korea, 5-6 October 2019.

    Indraganti M. (2019) “Gender Differences in Thermal Comfort and Satisfaction in Offices in GCC and Asia,” Gulf Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, 10-13 Mar 2019, Kuwait City, Kuwait.

    Indraganti M. (2019) “Are our offices inclusive for women? Gender differences in thermal comfort and satisfaction in offices in Qatar and Asia,” CATE 2019 – Comfort at the Extremes: Energy, Economy and Climate Conference, Heriot Watt University, Dubai, 10-11 April 2019.

    Major, M.D., Tannous, H.O., Mirincheva, V. (2019). “Urban Transformations: From restricted random aggregation to designed cultural intent in Middle Eastern cities,” 12th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings. Beijing, China: Beijing Jiao Tong University, 8-13 July 2019, 282: 1-15.

    Major, M.D., Indraganti, M., Ahmed, A.M, Tannous, H.O., Al-Marri, A., Al-Noami, L., Al-Obaidan, M. (2019). “Comfort and Use in Building Evaluation: Information Modeling and post-occupancy in the built environment,” 12th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings. Beijing, China: Beijing Jiao Tong University, 8-13 July 2019, 283:1-14.

    Al-Mohannadi, A., Furlan R., Major, M.D. (2019). “Socio-Cultural Factors Shaping the Spatial Form of Traditional and Contemporary Housing in Qatar: A comparative analysis based on space syntax,” 12th International Space Syntax Symposium Proceedings. Beijing, China: Beijing Jiao Tong University, 8-13 July 2019, 285: 1-19.