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    Robotics and Embedded Systems

    Our research in the Robotics and Embedded Systems area aims to design and develop algorithms to utilize robots to automate risky tasks and reduce human labor in different domains, including natural oil and gas industry.

    Faculty Members:


    Uvais Qidwai (Signal Processing)

    Mohammed Al-Sada (Robotics)

    Muhammad Azeem (Robotics)



    Osama Halabi (Robotics)

    Junaid Qadir (Signal Processing)


    Related Projects:

    NPRP7-234-2-109: Novel Approaches in the Development and Application of Autonomous Robotic Approaches for the Structural Health Monitoring of Civil and Mechanical Infrastructure Systems

    NPRP08-276-2-091: Innovative Robot for NDT Applications in LNG/LPG Tank Floor Inspection

    NPRP07-26-6-7-15: Innovative Non-contact Industrial Inspection System for NDT Applications