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    B.Sc. in Computer Engineering

    Major Preface

    Computer Engineering is that branch of Engineering that combines skills from Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics, and applys them in areas like Networking, Data Communication, Instrumentation, and Intelligent System Automation. The Computer Engineering Program at Qatar University was first offered in 2002. Although fairly new at Qatar University, the program is one the most competitive programs at the College of Engineering. Graduates of this program are sought by the industry in Qatar with attractive positions and interesting career opportunities. Computer Engineering students engage in a broad range of research and learning activities with an emphasis on those that are highly relevant to Qatar and the region. This educational experience is culminated by a graduation project where teams are formed to build a complete hardware and/or software system resembling an industrial unit for a specific real-world application.


    The Computer Engineering program focuses on the design, analysis and applications of computer hardware and software as components of integrated computing systems. It overlaps with computer science on one end (software systems) and with electrical engineering on other (digital hardware). The program equips students with hands-on experience on system design and implementation by offering a set of practical labs in digital logic, microprocessor, electronics signal processing, computer interfacing, robotics, etc.

    The Computer Engineering Program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Accreditation ensures that the students, parents, employers, and the society we serve can be confident that the program meets the quality standards that produce graduates prepared to enter a global workforce.